the girl and the classic car

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One rainy day at 12pm, a girl named Matty went outside to speak to her beloved red 1967 chevy impala. She felt unmotivated and needed advice. So she went to have a talk. She pulled up a lawn chair, sat down, and asked her impala "I need motivation, what is the best thing I can do to ger me back to a healthy routine of exercising twice a day and cleaning house?" The impala car's response was simple and this was what he told her "my dear friend, motivation stands outside waiting for you but you have to  stop letting yourself know you're motivated. That's how those tricky moments stop you." He looked over at the rose bushes and said "do you see those roses?" Matty looks too and answered "yes" the impala car said "motivation is like a group of roses taking charge of progressing of who blooms first in the race. If one is left, then things are up to the single rose. It won't quit until it succeeds to bloom before winter."

Matty looked confused and asked "so what you're telling me is that when I'm by myself I need to stop letting myself know what I'm doing and progress in the healthy habits, I've obtained." The impala smiled and said "yes dear Matty. The point is to progress and succeed when you take charge of everying handed down to you. When no one can carry on, you have to take charge to better your living."

Matty looked at the roses. There were 5 of them  and only 3 have blossomed open but they weren't dead. She smiled and hugged her chevy impala. She thanked him for the intellectual word of advice and knew what to do next. Before she went inside, she thanked her friend and left. She soon felt motivated again and begun cleaning house before her fiance came home that day.

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