The man and his Cadillac

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There was a man by the name of Gregg that bought a car sitting at the corner of a car lot that caught his eye of attention. Gregg had traded in his first car into a used car lot one day and was looking at all the cars there waiting to be adopted.

They looked at him once and turned their noses up at him like they wanted nothing to do with him. As he walked down the row of the back, he saw this car that interested him.

The clerk came out and asked him "good day sir, what can I help you with today"
Staring at it.. the car looked a little bit rusty but there was a whole lot of paint left over enough to look at your reflection. The car noticed him and studies him from top to bottom. Then,, Greg answered "I'm interested in that white Cadillac you have at the back. It's next to the miata" the salesperson smiled and said "ah yes the 1973 Cadillac Deville. I can sell it to you for a good price of 15 thousand dollars. This one hasn't been driven in many years but the engine still works" Greg walked around the car admiring the lines, the curves, and the body. The paint was still good. There was a spark of love between car and human. He was the one Greg wanted. The salesperson described all the features to Greg that the car had so Greg would buy it.

So, with no words, nothing more, nothing less being said, Greg cuts the person off by simply saying "I'd like to buy this car this very minute. Where do I sign?" Shocked the salesperson giggled with happy surprise and said "right this way to my office." After Greg signed the paperwork and paid the salesperson the money, the car was his. They developed a special bond of trust, understanding, and of love that nothing could separate the two partners. But months later, Greg was in an accident with another car in traffic. The collided car the Cadillac hit was deeply injured and had to be salvaged. As for the Cadillac. He was okay and not too injured.

Greg felt a stabbing in his heart and as soon as the Cadillac was towed home. Greg begged for forgiveness. He cried as he held his mechanical friend and begged "oh Delbert. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault I should have turned the other way in traffic to avoid that maniac. I've failed you." The car sweetly smiled calmly as he still loved his human and said "my friend, you did not fail me for as long as we been together. I've loved you since you laid eyes on me. Don't hate yourself, don't feel bad, don't worry. You have loved me in any way possible and I've loved you. I have always protected you no matter what happened or where we were." Greg looked at his companion confused but understandingly at the cars words. He said "but I've crashed you" the car replied back "I still love you." Thinking about all the times they've come through for each other, Greg responded "didn't you hear what I said. I crashed you" the car replied in the same sentence "I still love you" Greg wiped a tear from his eye and said "really?" The car smiled calmly and said "one simply does not blame himself for an accident. When people hate themselves. They're giving punishment on themselves for feeling mad. That's bad. Unconditional love is underway where love is needed because it will come." Greg smiled and hugged the car tight

The lesson about the story is that the bond of the connection  of the car is infiniteThe lesson about the story is that the bond of the connection  of the car is infinite

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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