Chapter 1

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Hi I'm Sammy Hayes-Rodriguez. Maybe you've heard of me? I'm the kid everybody's making fun of because my mother made me bring a robot to school witch means-the dumbest, most embarrassing thing to ever happen to any kid in the whole history of school.(I'm talking about going back to the Pilgrims and Mayflower Elementary.)
I need to tell you a wild and crazy story about this robot that-I kid you not-thinks it's my brother.
And guess where the dumb-bot got that goofy idea from my mother! Oh, guess what? My farther is in on this idiotic robot business, too. He even called Mom's lame-o idea "brilliant."

Good thing Maddie is still on my side. Maddie's absolutely the best little sister anybody could ever have. Maddie and I li talked about Mom's latest screwy scheme over breakfast, which, of course, was served by one of Mom's many wacky inventions: the breakfastinator. Punch the button for Cap'n Crunch and cereal tumbles into a bowl, which slides down to the banana slicer, shuffles off to the milk squirter, scoots over to the sugar sprinkler, and zips down to the dispenser window.

Want some OJ with your cereal? Bop the Orange button.
But-and this is super important-do NOT push the Orange juice and the Cap'n Crunch at the same time. Trust me. It's even worse if you you push Cap'n Crunch and scrambled eggs.
Maddie and I always have breakfast together before I head off to school. The two of us talk about everything, even though Maddie's two years younger than I am. That means she'd be in the third grade-if she went to school, which she doesn't
I'll explain later. Promise.
Maddie knows how crazy Mom and Dad can be sometimes. But to be honest, even though she's younger, Maddie keeps things under control way better than I do.
"Everything will be ok, Sammy. Promise."
"But you totally agree that Mom's new idea is ridiculous, right? I could die of embarrassment!"
"I hope not" says Maddie. "I'd miss you. Big time. And yeah, her plan is a little out there...."
"Maddie it's so far 'out there' it might as well be on Mars with the robot rover. They could dig up red rocks together!"
Okay, now here's the worse part: my mom told me that this wacko thing she wants me to do is all part of her "most important experiment EVER"
Yep. I'm just mom's poor little guinea pig ( I think that's how you spell it).
She probably put lettuce leaves in my lunch box.

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