Part 14

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i walked to ava's room to find zex my little apprentice

leif pov

"well looks like some one finally learned"i looked at the door to find that annoying demos but zexs eyes widden

"you i though you were dead"what is zex talking about

"mene teki " the launge that girl she was my teacher she's the killer but she died

"so if asch was a demos and sacrifice him his mom is a human"we looked at asch to see shock in his eyes was she right

"how did you" with a splash i dind't no what happened

y/n pov

i wake up in a mountain  where am i an arrow almost hit me

"y/n"it was angel she was tall how long have i been gone

"y/n this is chang'e youve been ggone for 400 and 75 years"

time skip

we were in a cave and i see some girl

"y/n this is san"

"y/n this is san"

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