Chapter Sixty-six

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"Nothing." I tried to blatantly lie through the tears.

"Cam, come on." She sat down next to me, grabbing my hand in hers. "What happened? We went for food and you were asleep, I've come back and you and Peter are both in so much mental pain, it's almost overwhelming to me." She shook her head.

That's how she knew. I thought she'd already been to talk to Peter, that she'd come over to try and get both sides. To see why I'd stormed away from him.

"I, don't, I can't explain." I mumbled, wiping my tears away and taking a deep shaky breath, trying to compose myself. 

"Can you try, this is a little worrying sweetie." She did look worried when I finally met her eyes.  

"I asked Peter about the nightmare and the thing he's keeping from me. He turned it around on me, made it very clear he's not okay with my past. That's it." I shrugged, my voice cracking as I tried to hold back the rest of my tears. 

"He did what?" She seemed shocked, as shocked as I'd been. She shook her head at me, clearly trying to make sense of it. 

So was I, I was still unclear how we'd gone joking about different dimensions and teleporting molecules to a near screaming match over my past. 

We'd never fought before, Peter was always so unselfishly patient and gentle with me, I'd been pretty spoilt and it had made me complacent. 

"I'm so confused, what exactly did he say to you?" She glared with a confused look at the cabin door, like she was trying to use x-ray vision to see through the doors to Peter. 

"I can't talk about this Wanda, I really can't. Peter will probably tell you everything." I gestured to the door, wanting her to leave so I could get myself together properly. 

I wasn't bringing it to the group, I wouldn't get everyone else involved, nobody else had to suffer through our shit just for being in our proximity. 

I just needed a few more minutes alone, to get my shit sorted, I'd stuff everything back down, back to where I normally kept everything I didn't want to think about. 

I'd not cause a scene, I'd make it back to the compound. I'd go from there. 

I'd told Wanda I wouldn't leave unless I had to, I would stay until they told me I couldn't. 

But I knew myself, I liked to pretend to be tough, I liked to act as if I knew what I was doing and I had everything together and nothing bothered me, but I wouldn't be able to handle this. 

I wouldn't be able to act normal for long, like I wasn't so hurt and incredibly pissed off and worried about everything. 

"Don't you dare Camila. Don't you even think about it." Wanda said, suddenly her own anger flared, she stood up from the couch with stiff limbs. 

"What?" I looked up at her, confused. 

"You're not leaving. I don't care what you did, I don't care what he's done. You're not leaving. He's not the only person that lives in that compound Camila, neither are you! You can't put them through that, put me through that." She shook her head, her hands glowing red. 

"Wanda." I didn't know what to say to her, I couldn't deny I'd been thinking about it, of course she'd picked it out of me head. I didn't want to tell her I wouldn't because I knew I was going to and I didn't want to lie to her. 

She knew, she glared at me and back up to the door, "Stay. There." She growled, more angry than I'd seen her in a while. 

She quickly darted out of the cabin, slamming the door behind her, I heard her shout something at someone outside and then Bucky pushed his way into his cabin with a confused frown. 

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