Explanation/family plz read

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The reason I haven't been updating was because... Some of my family reads this and all my other books and can't put certain things, like swearing and murder scenes, without them thinking that something is wrong with me. I couldn't think of anything to write that wouldn't make my family think i'm crazy.

Now I know this stuff is personal and all, but I don't want to this to keep going wrong. To my family who reads these (including you mom.) It hurts me really bad when you think something's wrong with me. I know that if I wrote descriptive murder scenes, that they would make you think something's wrong with me, but you should be looking on the bright side of this, if I can write a paragraph that sticks a descriptive picture in your brain, I can write descriptive scenery, very clear descriptions of people in my stories, and more. And if you guys don't get mad at me for this, I will most likely put descriptive murder scenes on some books but with warnings. I'm fine. Stop worrying about me. I won't go insane. Promise.

And even if at one point I may seem crazy, I'm fine. I know you don't want me to be hurt or actually take part in the world because of how messed up it is, but it's gonna happen. No. Matter. What. Because I'm on this earth and news gets around.

I love you all, but you still hurt me even if you think I don't know when you guys say this stuff but I do and it hurts.

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