Chapter Twenty Seven

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The world seemed to freeze as Bexley's final breath left, swirling in the frigid air like a tiny cloud. Her frail little body grayed and her eyes went dim.

It was over.

Finally, it was over.

The minions regained their wills. The beasts and the monsters fled back home. The Ragdolls who remained began to gather the dead. My friends and I helped Karter bury Bexley.

While I searched the bodies for survivors, I came across Nelson's mangled corpse and cried.

Roxie found three friends from her other classes, mourning in silence by Derek's side.

Karter found the twins' Pa. He hadn't made it.

Everything was colorless and slow. The snow blanketed rusty hues of blood, soil, and soot. I watched it fall peacefully, as if it hadn't previously been swirling around the swords and flags of two armies. It lay over the dead with a whisper.

More snow would come and go with the seasons, and the raw pain would fade as it melted and trickled down into the Quiet River. It would run through forests and mountains, eventually out to sea; and while it would never be completely forgotten, what I felt that day would become mercifully numbed.

As the Sun climbed into the sky through clouds and ash, news reporters from Snowdrop had arrived and tried interviewing a few of us. I refused to speak. So did Karter and Aka, but Parry was very willing to share. He told one reporter all about how Karter was the leader, chosen by the stars.

Derek was also interviewed. He bragged about the armor and swords Roxie made. He also told a few reporters about how I'd been able to return light to Hiraeth, "even though it seemed impossible."

Kira and Roxie were filmed as they buried the dead.

Frances got interviewed by the W.S.L.B.C. (Wondryn Sign Language Broadcasting Company) and relayed the past few weeks' events. Her testimony would be sent to news stations all over the world.

As the last of the dead were buried in the Floret County graveyard, I decided to pay a visit to my parents' graves. They had a special spot under a big willow tree, close to the frozen-over duck pond.

I sat in front of their headstones and sighed, playing with the dead, snow-covered grass.

The cemetery looked beautiful in the Summer when the lawn was green and the pond was full of lively ducks and frogs. Now, however - with the diamond snow and soft Winter light illuminating the grounds - it looked even more so.

"Hey, Mom, Dad," I began with a smile. "W-We did it."

I paused for a while, as if listening for a reply.

I watched the stars above enter the atmosphere. It was twilight. The gray feeling of the battle's aftermath morphed into hues of pink and gold - a final breath of relief from the lightless star, Hiraeth.

"You know... I think I finally belong somewhere. I-I-I think I've found a family. Of course, they're never gonna be you guys, but..." I sniffled and wiped a tear with my sleeve. "B-But they're really great. I think you'd like them a lot."

I felt the cold breeze blow through my hair, against my wings and wounds and worries.

"I'll always remember you," I assured, not wanting Mom and Dad to worry. "I-I'll never forget again."

I slowly got to my feet and turned to walk away.

Just then, a pair of stars flew down above the willow tree.

That's weird, stars don't normally go that low...

The two lingered there for a while. I could have sworn they were looking at me.

Then, just as soon as they'd come, they whizzed back into the sky and through the clouds, never to be seen again.


It wasn't long before my friends and I were in the Snowdrop City hospital along with countless other Ragdolls and recovering ex-Taken.

I was standing in front of Karter, preparing to be unmorphed. She had insisted that once she got evaluated she would have the strength to do so.

"Ready?" she asked, contorting her hands.

I nodded, then took a deep breath and felt a warming sensation in my ears and wings. It wasn't like when Bexley morphed me at all. It didn't hurt, it felt like the stinging that comes with soaking in hot water after being in the cold. It was relief, it was comfort.

When it was over, I opened my eyes and thanked Karter, running to the restroom down the hall. I found the mirror and smiled, laughing joyfully.

"It's me! I'm me again!!!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down, twirling, hugging myself.

I raced out of the restroom and to Roxie's room. The nurses were just leaving, so I was able to hug her. She hugged me back tightly, both of us laughing.

"It's my Mike!" she said happily, kissing my cheek.

I widened my eyes and blushed wildly.

Holy moly! "Y-Your Mike?!"

Roxie nodded, holding me tighter

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Roxie nodded, holding me tighter. She was sort of trembling, and it took me a while to realize she was crying.

I pulled away, holding her hands. "Why the tears?"

"It's just..." She wiped her eyes, smiling so magnificently. "Only a Day ago, I thought I'd lost you. Now, it's all over."

"A-Are you... alright?" I asked, sitting on the side of her bed.

Roxie nodded. "Yes! Why?"

"Y-Y-Your power... I-It's gone."

Roxie looked at her hands. On the Nightstand by her bed, I noticed her discarded paintbrush. She picked it up and made painting motions, but nothing happened. There wasn't even a spark of magic.

She put it back and shrugged. "I don't need it anymore. It's not a big deal."

I wasn't sure if I believed her.

But I tried my best not to dwell on the anger from what Bexley had done to Roxie. And maybe she was trying to do the same.

I let the conversation drift away, sitting side-by-side with the girl I had been waiting for all my life.

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