Chapter 8

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Audrey POV

"I don't really know how to say this, but.." Jay said as he looked away at another table. Then I saw it. I saw them.

Mark, Cubbie, Rebecca, Isom, Sean, Kimbra and Ponsi. At dinner. All together.

Jay let go of my hand as I stared at the table. Kimbra made eye contact with me and told everyone that I was over there. Oh.My.God. This cannot be happening. They all got up from their seats and ran over towards me.

"Audrey! Darling! It's been too long!" Kimbra said as she gave me a hug and a kiss.


I hugged each of them. A young woman with dark brown hair and brown stunning eyes gave me a hug.

"Hi! I'm Rebecca, I'm Cubbies wife, I've heard so much about you from Pontius!"

I blushed when she said that.

"Hi, I'm Audrey! It's a pleasure to meet you,"

Mark came over and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I turned to Jay,

"Oh you guys, this is Jay Mcguiness from The Wanted,"

"I love your song Glad You Came, nice to meet you, I'm Mark," said Mark Foster.

"I'm Jay, nice to meet you," he said as he shook everyone's hand. Except for Pontius.

"Hi I'm Mark Pontius, nice to meet you," He said as Jay shook his hand. They looked at each other, like I know who you are and I know you like my girl.


"I think I'm going to go use the bathroom." said Kimbra as she got up to leave.

"I'll come too!" I said hurrying after her.

Oh lord, what is gonna happen?

Ponsi POV

"do you guys mind if I sit here while Audrey is in the bathroom?" asked Jay. It's only been five minutes and I already dont like the guy. Maybe it was because he's on a date with Audrey. Maybe it was the fact that HE liked her and HE was the reason she can't fully commit to me. But like they always say, All is fair in love and war. But all is unfair in hate and peace, I that makes any sense.

"Go right ahead!" said Cubbie pulling out a chair for Rebecca to sit in.

"So Jay, tell us about yourself," said Sean.

"Well, I'm from Nottingham, England, I have a pet lizard, I used to be a dancer and I play the drums,"

I scoffed at the part where he said he was a dancer. Mark nudged me and gave me a look like "be nice"

"So um, what were you doing here with Audrey? We're you guys on a date?" asked Isom. Right when he said the word date, I cringed inside and felt hatered.

"Yeah, we've been uh, seeing each other for a while. She was on tour with us and we kinda hit it off,"

Way to brag Jay, I thought.

"Oh, didn't she go on a date with you Pontius?" said Mark.

"Yep," I said. I looked over at Jay, i could tell he started to get angry.

"Wow, whatta whore," said Isom, laughing.

"She's not a whore! she's my girlfriend!!" said Jay and I at the same time.

"Your girlfriend?" asked Jay.

"Yeah, MY girlfriend, isn't that what I said?" my voice started to raise and my face was getting hot. Tensions were rising.

"I should be the one saying MY girlfriend, we've known each other for longer than she's known you." he debated. Then Kimbra and Audrey returned to the table.

"Were back, did we miss anything?" asked Kimbra.

"We were just leaving, this isn't over." said Jay getting up out of his chair and dragging Audrey away.

"oh, uh, Bye guys! See ya at the studio!" said Audrey, leaving.

"Nice meeting you rebecca!"

They walked away from the table, Jay grabbing her hand. All of a sudden, I felt jealous. Extremely jealous.

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