Cyan3 (For @LuckyBaton6590)

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Hello again comment friends-

Oh Cyannnn!

Your creator, LuckyBaton6590, requested I draw youuuu~

So I diiiid!

Ok I'm done elongating words now.

Anyway, yes, I completed the request. And I'm actually pretty proud of it. I tried drawing it on paper, simply to prove to myself that I could and it actually turned out really good, so I digitized it.

The only part I'm sorta annoyed with is the background... I couldn't figure out how I wanted it so I just tried something and stuck with it.

Nevertheless, I hope you like it. :3

Here you go~

THAT'S RIGHT PEOPLE IT'S THIS SCENE- >:3Because no matter how angry that scene made me, this was the immediate idea I had when this drawing was requested

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Because no matter how angry that scene made me, this was the immediate idea I had when this drawing was requested.

Also, I may or may not end up drawing this bean again cuz I have another idea. One that's a little more sad, because who doesn't love sad art?

Oh! Lucky, my friend, same one who gave me the name for ASTA's manager, created a whole character to start Cyan's redemption arc last night while I was drawing this- XD

Anyway, enjoy this and I'll be back eventually!

Hasta le pasta!

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