Daniel Ricciardo 🌶

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It was the third day of the longest part of their road trip through Western Australia. The two best friends were used to road trips, but this was their biggest adventure so far. Their car came to an abrupt stop and there was black smoke coming from the engine. None of them knew how to fix an engine. They got out of the mint green campervan and into the pouring rain. There wasn't a soul in sight, only the long road ahead. The girls looked around and all they could see was copper desert gravel, little vegetation and some farmers sheds that looked abandoned.

"What are we going to do? My fucking phone has no signal." The darker haired girl said as she held her phone up trying to get it to work somehow. 

"And mine is just dead... I guess we'll have to wait until someone else drives past us and ask for help."

"We're going to die here!" 

The two women were complete opposites in pretty much everything, from their looks to their personalities. Valentina had Latino roots and was a bit of a drama queen. Viktoria was part German and was always calm and collected, at least on the outside. They knew each other since they were about 6 years old and decided on the first day of school, they would become best friends for life. 20 years had now passed since that day, and they were still going strong. They both shared a passion for campervan road trips and did one every year. They had travelled a long way for this one, and it had been a disaster so far. Their rented campervan was having issues every day which they had managed to fix. On the first day, they had a flat tyre and had to resort to begging for help from other fellow road-trippers. 

"I'm going back inside. I feel like I'm soaked to the bone!"

"What if it explodes?" Valentina asked. They both stared at the front of their car where they could still see bits of black smoke coming out even with all the rain. 

"I'm risking it. I don't care anymore. If you want to wait out here, it's your choice." Viktoria jumped inside leaving her friend alone outside. 

Valentina looked around. It was still a hot summer day, and her pink cotton dress was now completely stuck to her body. She was overly worried that the van would explode at any moment, so she decided to cross the road and wait there. She was still a loyal friend if you looked in hindsight. The rain had decided to give a little break and was only drizzling. She saw a car coming in the distance and immediately shouted at Viktoria to come out. She ran to the middle of the road and gestured with her hands for them to stop. It was a black Mercedes GLE SUV, and two tall dark-haired guys came out to help. 

"Nice campervan!" One of them said with a thick Aussie accent. "Is there a problem?" 

Viktoria opened the door at that moment still stretching after enjoying a nap. She spotted the two hot guys standing outside and immediately regretted her baggy and not ironed t-shirt. She exchanged looks with Valentina. They knew each other that well to understand what only one look meant. Valentina nodded in approval. 

The two guys checked the van, and both concluded that it had run out of petrol. Apparently, the meter was broken and not displaying the correct amount of petrol they had. The weather had turned sour once again and now was raining even heavier than before and they could hear the grumbles and growls of thunders in the distance. 

"I can drive us to a petrol station not too far from here and bring some back to you." 

"Danny, we can't all go and leave the van abandoned. If the police show up they'll apprehend it." 

"The police? We've been here for 2 hours and you're the first car that drove by!"

"Still better not risk it. I'll go and bring it back. You guys wait here..." 

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