Chapter 3

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I got ready for school. no one calls me downstairs and I got down and realized it was Saturday and I change my clothes like going out " Hey where do you think your going Sis " Luke said in front of me " With My Friends " I said happily as i got out in the house. I saw Marty walking in the streets alone " Marty wait " I said blushing like a red tomato " Wassup Stephy " He said while closing his cute eyes and smiles " I'm good Marty You?? " I said getting close to him " Yeah I'm fine you always don't need to worry " He said smiling and I still getting close to him. Jake came in and said " It's you Steph " Jake said annoyed and looking at me " Let's just go " Marty said as we turn around " Wait Steph I got to say something important " Jake said while on his knees " Hey Marty can I go to Wendy's house " I asked him with puppy eyes " Yes Stephy go to Wendy's house" He said happily. I ran to Wendy's house and knocked on the door "Yes Dear " her Mother asked " Can I please see Wendy " I said cheerfully " yes she's upstairs " she said as I go upstairs and knocked on Wendy's door " Pasok po " Wendy said as I got into her room " Stephy your here I'm glad to see you " She said cheerfully " I just wanted to see if your okay " I said being reasonable " So Jake still bothering you " she asked as i did not answer the question. " I need to go Wendy i have something important to do " I said seriously " Okay Take care " She said happily as i got out in the house " Hey Stephy " Marty said as he hold my hand and i was blushing so hard " Marty why do Jake kept bothering me " I asked " Because he had a crush on you. Your attractive Stephy your red long hair your cute voice your smooth hands and your great eye color " He said in a romantic way " Thank you for answering the question Marty " As i blushed again and hug him. " I'll treat you dinner Steph " He said while he opens the car door for me " Okay Marty " I said almost fainted out " Where are we eating Mart " I asked " To the most Fanciest Restaurant i've ever had " He said with a cute smile " Your kidding right " I said while laughing " Here we are Stephy at Aubergine " He said as he take his tuxedo coat as he looks so hot and handsome. " Do you have reservations " The waiter said as he look the papers " Marty Austria " he said while ordering Steak for two " Here is your seat sir " The waiter said as we followed him to the table. " We found our table it was beautiful it had flowers that smell good the seasonings i love and the table had a candle and beside our table was a fountain " see told you Stephy " we ordered steak and stew. " Hey Marty look at beside us it's Jake " I said while worrying " Really?? " He asked as he look for Jake. " Check Please!!! " Marty said as he got his wallet and wait for the paycheck. He payed and opened the car door for me and buckled up " Can you drive me home " I said teasing him " Of course Stephy i can't make you walk " He laughed as he started the car and taking me home " Uhmm Hey Steph " He said " Yeah Marty " I said in a whisper voice " I Love you " He said as he smiles at me " I Love you too Marty " I said blushing as a red tomato and saw my home " here we are Steph " Marty said while opening the door car " Thank you for taking me to dinner and all of these " I said and kissed his cheek and got in my house. No one is in the house seems i'm alone. I changed my clothes and open my cellphone and saw 2 missed calls it was from Papa. So i got worried and called Papa answered right away " Listen Steph i know your'e gonna be sad but Luke died in a car accident. I'm sorry " Papa said and I cried all night and i heard a phone call and saw it was Marty " Hey Steph I heard about your brother I'm sorry " He said sadly " Don't talk to me Marty i'm in a bad mood right now " I said in a quiet voice.

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