Chapter (1)

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Eyes like sinking ships
On waters so inviting
I almost jump in


I wrote the first verse of the first song on my album on December 13, 1989. That was the day I met Evelyn Hugo. Little did I know that I would not finish this album for 10 years. Most importantly, I did not anticipate the waves of breathlessness and heartbreaks that would follow me after that day.

I still remember the first moment I saw her like it was yesterday. She was wearing an emerald-green Miranda La Conda for her 21st Birthday party that Sunset was throwing at Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles. At that time, she was already at her second marriage, with Hollywood's former most eligible bachelor, Don Adler. With her golden curls and tanned skin, she commended everyone's attention in the room- including mine. Overwhelming breathlessness hit my chest like a cannonball. I should have known that my life will never be the same after that night.

To be honest, I did not want to be there, but my father had forced my hand. I was home for the winter break and did not want to be dragged to Hollywood industry parties that I hated. I choose to go to Harvard for a reason- I just couldn't be around all the glitz and glamour of Hollywood and its beautiful humans.

I hated that I am "born" into the Hollywood industry royalty. My dad owned the Sunset Production Company, and my mom was the great granddaughter of Walt Disney. They met at University of Pennsylvania where they both studied Film and Literature.

I, Celia Katherine ("Kit") Disney-James, wanted nothing to do with film. I grew up around production sets- visiting my dad. But, I longed for a normal childhood in the suburbs with family dinners and neighbors. Atlas, I grew up in Los Angeles where everyone is superficial, and no one tells you what exactly they are thinking.

I had already been planning to move to New York City after graduation. I had wanted to be a songwriter. Not a singer- just a songwriter. I hated attention since I was a kid. But, being the only child of Ari and Fran James, it was proven to extremely difficult to go under the radar. I had managed to be unknown for most parts. I went to school in East Coast and had no intention of joining the "family" business. So- I avoided the Hollywood parties like a plague.

That was until my father brought me into his office while I was home from Harvard for my Senior year winter break- telling me, under no circumstance, that I was to return to Los Angeles after college and take over as the head of production for Sunset. say that I did not want to be at the Hollywood Golden It Girl/Siren, Evelyn Hugo's birthday party was a giant understatement.

I was wearing a maroon suit with Jimmy Choo heels – standing out in the crowd of beautiful gowns and tuxedo jackets. Earlier that day, I had put my foot down on wearing a gown. If I was to be dragged to parties I hate, I was going to wear whatever the fuck I wanted.

I smiled politely and made small talks with people from Sunset; people I've known most of my life. The party had gone on for HOURS and I had been ready to leave since I arrived. But I had been guiltily staring Evelyn in the crowd. I never made eye contact, of course, but I knew I was always searching for that particular shade of blonde and emerald-green in the crowd.

It was around 2AM that night when I finally stood face-to-face with Evelyn Hugo.

I was at the back balcony of Chateau Marmont; avoiding my dad and wondering how the hell he is still at the party at two in the morning and when I can finally be dismissed of my duty.

Then, I heard someone being shoved against something. I ran towards the sound, half afraid that I might just be walking into someone having sex in public.

What I saw was that Evelyn Hugo on the floor and Don Adler standing over her. It looked like he had shoved her against the table. They both looked up at me and they looked like a deer caught in the headlight.

"It is not what it looks like." Don trembled and ran back to the party.

That leaves me and Evelyn alone in the dimly lighted room.

"Are you alright?" I awkwardly landed a hand so that she could stand again.

She didn't answer and instead, she stared at me.

That moment, when Evelyn Hugo looked into my eyes, I had forgotten everything else.

Her beautiful body doesn't do justice to what her eyes can do to you.

I feel like I was drowning in the chocolate sea and couldn't come up for air.

Then, I realized I had not been breathing since she started this ridiculous staring contest.

I cleared my throat awkwardly and she blinked and looked like she was just out of a trance.

"Who are you?" she eyed me curiously.

" am Kit." I said awkwardly. I hated my name Celia- it was so old school and straight. And I was anything but that.

"Kit? No last name?"

"Yep. Just Kit" I smiled. For some reason, I wanted to keep a little mystery and animosity. I don't want her to know me for my family, I want her to know me as me.

"OK then. Kit, I want to cut to the chase and say that I don't need to remind you that all the guests here tonight signed NDAs and you will not blubbing about what you just saw." She said, with her face hardened.

"No – I don't think so." I said.

"Excuse me?" her eyes narrowed.

"Well- first of all- I didn't sign an NDA. I am not technically a guest here. AND second of all, it looked like your HUSBAND knocked you around and I will be damned if I stayed silent about domestic violence."

"How dare you say that it is domestic violence and How DARE you presume you know anything about me and Don?!" She was yelling now.

I took a step closer to her.

I said in a gentle voice "I will never presume anything about you or your marriage. But I know for certain that NO ONE deserves that kind of treatment from a husband. So, I will say it again- I don't stand for domestic violence. You deal with however you want but please do it soon because I am not afraid to let the world know that Don Adler is an abuser."

In that moment, it doesn't matter that my dad has everything to lose if this news gets out. I will happily lose everything if that means I don't have witness Evelyn Hugo in this situation again.

"Who do you think YOU ARE!?" She stepped closer to me. Our faces are so close that I can feel like her breath – a mixture of wine and gin.

I took a deep breath.

"I am nobody. Just a bystander who will not tolerate seeing women shoved around."

With that, I took a step back and walked toward the door.

"Wait!" She said when my hand was on the doorknob.

"What do you want for in exchange of your silence?"

I laughed sadly.

"There is nothing I want from you, Evelyn Hugo. Just your freedom from your asshole husband".

I smiled weakly at her and left.

When I got back home, I sat down and grabbed my guitar.

And wrote this down.

And I was catching my breath
Barefoot in the wildest winter
Catching my death
And I couldn't be sure
I had a feeling so peculiar
That this pain would be for

That was the first song verse I've ever written.

Little did I know it was the beginning of the rest of my life.

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