chapter one

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A/N Hey readers! This is the first story I've ever written! English isn't my first language so please, if there are any mistakes, correct me. I'll try to write and update as much as I can. I'm most likely to update on Saturday or Sunday maybe on the weekdays if I'm not busy. That's all I have to say, enjoy!



Usually, you would start a story from the beginning, so let us start when I met him. It was the perfect day, waking up a few minutes before my alarm and looking out the window. The sky was cloudy. It looked like it was going to rain, the perfect weather for reading on my window seat. I turn to the clock. I looked to see that I have about an hour or two before school starts. With that, I go to my closest, taking out my uniform then putting it on. I adjusted my tie and walked down the hallway toward the bathroom.


After going to the bathroom and doing my business, I go downstairs to have some breakfast. My mom is probably at work at the moment. As I get to the kitchen, I turn to see that my mom left a note on the fridge. Well that confirms it, she's not home. Opening the fridge, I see that there is some leftover cake from my father's birthday celebration. Guess I'll have that for breakfast. I take the cake out of the fridge and cut about two slices, putting them on plates.

As I put the cake back in the fridge, I take out the milk. While pouring the milk into two separate glasses, I hear my brother come downstairs. "Good morning Aoi, I got you some cake for breakfast." "Morning" he responds, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. As I look up from the counter, I notice that he's not in his uniform yet. "Aoi, why aren't you dressed for school yet?" He rubbed his eyes again before responding, "We still have more than an hour until we have to go."

I glance towards the clock to see if he was correct, and certainly, he was. We at least had an hour left. "Ah, you're right. sorry Aoi, but after breakfast, you have get ready, it is the first day after all." I'm starting to sound like a mom, It's not like it's a bad thing. It's just that I'm too young to be a parent. Sitting down, I start to eat. I have to work my hardest in school, I don't have a choice. Disappointing my parents isn't an option.

"y/n?" I have to be top of my classes, top of the school even. I have to make them proud. Maybe being the best of the best will make them stay home longer. "y/n" I'll have to learn to control my quirk, it may be challenging, painful even, but I can do it! "Y/N!" I snap out of my thoughts and look up at Aoi "You've been staring at your plate for a while now. You weren't moving!" "Oh, sorry. I must've spaced out." I say still kind of out of it. "I must've spaced out." he imitates under his breath.

He gets up and puts his plate in the sink, and goes upstairs. I would have hit him, softly of couse, but he ran upstairs before i can get to him. Rolling my eyes, I get up to wash the dishes, but not before I play one of my Spotify playlists. I have to stop being so tense, no one would be friends with someone like me. Good, I don't really like people. Keeping a relationship platonic or not, is much work and socializing. Drying my hands, I walk to the living room to look at the clock. 

My mom told me that the clock has been in the family long than I've been alive. So its getting a little old, but she can never bring herself to get a new one. I really need to replace the batteries, the clock is a couple minutes off.  We have about forty or thirty minutes left until we leave. That's enough time to double maybe even triple check that I have everything I need. I can never be too sure. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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