My boring stupid life in a boring stupid town.

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It was 7:42 am and i heard my dad shouting "Veronica your schoool starts in 18 min Hurry!"
"Dad i Think im sick.. *fake cough cough*"
"Hunny you've Been saying that for the past Two years! What makes u Think you can
convince me that your sick today?" I rolled my eyes and took some clothes from Yesterday on and went downstairs.

"Goodmornin sweety. You look fresh today!" He says sarcasticly. I go directly to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I looked myself in the mirror. I looked at my blond Long hair and then in my Brown eyes. It was the most beautiful things about myself But i just couldnt stop looking at my body. My legs.. my belly. A tear felt Down my cheek. I Quickly removed it and took a deep breath. I whispered to myself "Be strong for fuck sake. Dont be a pussy. We dont cry"

My dad shouted "im going to work now! Have a great day at School hunny!" "Yeah dad. Bye. I love you!" The door smacked and i could hear the car driveing out of the driveway. I looked at the clock. It was 7:55. I took on my converse shoes on and took my bag and walked out of the door. I walked to School as  usual.

I walk into the classroom and everyone is looking at me. "And Why are u late Veronica?" Says the teacher "i shited in me pants on my way here" everyone laugh and the teacher rolled Hes eyes "and now u Can go take a Seat" the teacher says. I sat Down beside Olivia. The Girl that talks and talks and has No friends. She gave me a Big smile when i sat Down beside her.

I gave her a little anoyed smile and she says "have you heard about the new guy that is starting on the School?" "He is pretty cute" I really didnt Care so i say "Sorry But i really dont Care" and looked out of the window. I know i was a little hard on her But i really dont Wanna hear about guys right now. They are only a waist of time.

I saw the Two bullies in School (Luke and Lukas) i couldnt hate someone more than i hate them. They were teasing a nerd from my Biology class. To be honest i wasnt really popular myself. Or since my brother died everyone stopped talking to me and all my friends stopped hanging out with me. It didnt really bother me. I like being alone. Yeah maybe not But the fact that i have No friends stopped bother me really quickly.

The clock ringed. Is the class already over? I standed up and was about to leave befor the teacher stops me. "Your getting behind Victoria. Is there something going on?"
"No not at all im just to tired..." i say. My teacher gives me a weird look and i walk out of the class room. I walk into the cafeteria where everyone sits. The nerds sits at one table the guys on the football team sits at one the popular girls sits at one the freaks sits at one and the hot bodybuilder guys sits at one table. there was one where No one sits. It was made for outsiders. People like me with no friends.

I sat Down at the table alone and ate my lunch. Some of the popular girls were making fun of me like usual. I rolled eyes at Them and minded my own buesniss. I heard Them saying "her brother prob killed himself because He was embaressed to be in the same family as her" my mouth drobbed and i sat really quietly chocked. I stood up and walked straight over to Them. they all tree were really fast to stand up and trying to look big and dangerous. I pushed the middel Girl really hard and she falls to the Ground and everyone is looking. At that point i didnt mind. Everyone had to see that they dont mess with me. The middel Girl Said "Urgh you crazy bitch!" And i took a Big peace of her hair in my hand and started pulling and i said "say that again?" I Saw a tear run Down to her cheek as she says "nothing..." i stood up and leaved the cafeteria

I was pretty sure everyone thought i was crazy. Maybe i am? Maybe i am crazy. I just pushed one of the popular Girls to the floor? What was i thinking. I just made everything wross. As i was sitting in the girls toilet i hear Two girls come in. I was as quiet as i could and one of the girls Said "We know u are in here Victoria.." in a playfull and scary Way. They knocked on the door the the toilet i was sitting at like they didnt already know that i was in there. They laugh in a Evil Way.

But when i Think about it then they are just students after all so it wasnt like i was shitting my pants or sum. I could hear that they were about to do something.. I look up and to my surprise i see a bunch of needles falling down my face and on my arms. I was wearing a crop top so my arms wasnt cowered. I could feel the needles go through my skin. I could see the blood Rolling Down my face and arms. I was in total pain But not one single tear falled Down my face. "Never mess with us ever again. Understood" she comanded. I didnt ansvar. They leaves while giggeling and at that moment i realize that they were totally crazy.

I ran directly home after that. Still in the worst pain I've ever felt. When I arrived at home I took the needles out gently. I walked into the bath and turned on the water. I can feel the water run down my face and then my body. I could see the blood running along with the water down of me. After that there were some Big scars. I Put a band aid on them. I felt horrible. I walked up stairs to my room as I hear the door open. It was dad. He yelled "I'm homeeee!!" "Congratulations dad" i say while laughing.

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