Chapter 2

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The bad feeling Loki had about Tony was telling him that something is definitely wrong and decides to go to the tower himself. Everyone is asleep as he slips out into the snowy night and teleports into Tony's workshop. He realizes that Tony isn't there, checks the rest of the Tower and leaves.     Meanwhile Tony wakes up and finds himself trapped in his car. After a few minutes of trying to get free to no avail, Tony starts crying. Cold and scared he prays for someone to find him before it's too late. Loki checked everywhere he knew of and no luck so he decides to head back. He teleports, lands on the familiar forested road and almost slips on the same sheet of black ice. Suddenly he hears a strange sound like someone crying and follows it to the sight of a smoking car but not just any smoking car he recognizes it as Tony's car and rushes down to him "oh norns! TONY" "L-loki? Is that y-you?" "Yes darling I'm right here! Oh Tony everything is going be fine I'll get help" "NO please don't leave m-me!" "Shh it's ok I'll be back I promise" he kisses Tony on his forehead and rushes back to the school via teleport, "STEPHEN! CHARLES! SOMEONE! HELP!" Stephen reaches Loki first "Loki what's wrong?" "I went to the tower to check on Tony but he wasn't there! I checked everywhere! When I was heading back here I landed just down the road I heard a noise like someone crying so I followed the sound and found Tony trapped in his car!" Charles and the others arrived behind Stephen,"Loki" said Charles,"can you lead Logan and the team to him?" "Yes but we must hurry!" After getting the directions from Loki, they were off to help their friend. Feeling cold, tired, sick and in pain Tony just wanted to sleep but he was afraid he wouldn't wake up so he tried to stay awake for Loki and help to arrive "stay awake stay awake stay...awake s-stay..." The last thing Tony saw before passing out was a familiar golden portal. Hey guys I just wanted to apologise for taking so long. Been going through A lot but I will be writing more as soon as I can XOXO

 Been going through A lot but I will be writing more as soon as I can XOXO

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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