VIII. Marlborough

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It never occurred to Evangeline once in her life that she would have to hide in the bathroom of her secret fling's hotel room because she worked at said hotel and she definitely shouldn't have been sleeping with the person she was sleeping with. And yet there she was, with her chin in her palms and her elbows resting on her knees as she sat on top of the closed toilet seat, keeping an ear towards the door in hopes of gaging when Yolanda - the girl who worked in the restaurant that Theo was now apparently seeing - left the room again after delivering the room service order.

It was ridiculous, and Evie knew she really shouldn't have been doing it, but the whole notion was highly amusing, if not a little exciting. Apparently neither she nor Harry could help themselves either, especially when he was as convincing as he was earlier on, and her defensive line was... well, low. That paired with the fact that she didn't really want to say 'no' was a definite recipe for failure.

The knock on the bathroom door surprised her, and clearly the walls really were as thick as they appeared. She stood up and retreated back into the lounge where Harry was already spreading food out on the table in only the joggers he'd been wearing earlier.

Evie had a strange sort of affection towards the room Harry was staying in, and maybe in one way it was because he was the guest staying in it, but she'd genuinely liked it before he'd even arrived. For a basement room it was incredibly light and airy, decorated in soft, cooler colours and accented with pops of sky blue and lemon yellow.

As you walked through the door the bathroom was immediately on your left, with a door to the private courtyard dead ahead of you. A small side table with two upholstered chairs sat to the left, while the living room spread out to the right. A sofa sat against the wall of the bathroom, facing a TV stand against the opposite wall with a coffee table in the middle. The wall on the far right housed a fireplace and two built-in wardrobes either side. The wallpaper was cream and pastel green in vertical stripes, giving the room a taller feel than it actually had.

The bedroom was accessible through a door that sat next to the TV stand by the far right wall, and though it wasn't the larger bed size, it felt incredibly cosy in there. The ceiling felt like the inside of a pyramid, with a large spherical chandelier hanging from the very top, again the perfect proportion to give the illusion of height. It was the only room of its category to offer a separate living area and a separate bedroom, and it was the only pet friendly room in that category, too. Evie was yet to wind Harry up about the fact that he was kind of causing a problem taking out such a special type of room, but she was certain she'd find the perfect opportune moment some time soon.

Just before she made herself comfortable on the sofa, she stole a chip from the burger he'd ordered.

"Oi." Harry grumbled but with a smirk, peering over his shoulder at her. "Rude, that."

"You can have a bit of my cheese later as compensation." She joked, licking her finger and thumb clean from the grease and salt off the skinny French fry.

He narrowed his eyes at her as he sat down, pulling her closer to him by the backs of her knees. She giggled as he did, feeling a little flush again when he draped her legs over his. Like a knee-jerk reaction, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders while he held her around the middle, his other hand holding onto her thigh still.

"What if I want something that isn't cheese."

Her brow furrowed slightly as her fingers began teasing the curls at the nape of his neck, her head cocking slightly to the left. "Like what?"

"Like..." He pursed his lips as he glanced off to the right, but she was convinced he was taking the piss and he knew exactly what he wanted, "what we did earlier."

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