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I look in the mirror and I think, like, I suck so much. I'm falling behind in class. And I know it's because I'm so obsessed with dragging myself down, but I really, really can't stop, because you're just that much better than me, and you'll always be better than me.

I used to think that maybe I was cool. But that was before I met you. Then you climbed loads of ladders, and I kept sliding down loads of snakes, and I don't know, I'm just not cool anymore.

I feel like if I can't be the best then I might as well just not try. Put in 100% or 0. I'm not even average anymore. I'm below that. I'm so far below you.

You make it look so easy to be such a good person. And if I told you I was feeling like this, I know you'd do something stupid just to make me happy. So don't do that.

I know you'll always get more attention.

— Jisung

ATTENTION. hyunsung Where stories live. Discover now