Cook out/BBQ

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Ok so- I dont really know how these work so! Ima just go based off how it might work. :) Hope you enjoy this chapter hopefully it isnt as long as the last one- The fanart just fits. Credit to who ever made this I found it on Pinterest lol.

~Wilbur's POV~ 

I woke up to Tommy laying over my stomach, must of been how we passed out. I moved him somehow not waking the gremlin and I got up. I left the room after not see Tubbo or Ranboo in the room. I went to Ranboos room but stopped in front of the door when I heard faint talking from the room.

"No Ranboo stop! Not there!" I heard Tubbo kinda shout.

"Neverrr! Get over here Tubbo!" I heard Ranboo say in response.

What the fuck where they doing in there.. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. I head a click. Did he lock the door?? What for? What the hell did they do- I shouldnt think of that actually I dont want to know. The door opened and appeared Ranboo in the door way. His hair was messy, he must of just woke up not to long ago.

"Oh morning Wilbur" Ranboo yawned.

"Morning Ranboo! Is Tubbo in there? I swear I heard him before I knocked." I tilted my head to the side a bit in question.

"Oh yeah he is in here." Ranboo opened the door more to let me in.

I walked in and looked around and saw Ranboo's guitar leaning on his bed side table. I looked around more but saw no Tubbo.

"Where is he? I dont see him" I turned to look at the tall child.

"Oh, he is in my closet for some reason" He sighed.

Tubbo on cue opened the closet door and walked out wearing one of Ranboo's hoodies.

"Oh morning Wilbur!" The brunet said cheerfully.

"Mornin Tubbo. Whats up with the hoodie that is like 2 maybe 3 sizes to big for you" I said trying not to laugh.

"Oh about that. I got cold" He laughed.

"Mhm ok if you say so. Anyways you guys wanna help me wake up Techno and Tommy?" I smirked.

Tubbo and Ranboo grinned and agreed. We came up with a plan. We all snuck down stairs and Tubbo and Ranboo both got a glass of freezing cold water. We went back up and walked into the room.

"3.. 2.. 1.." I whispered. Tubbo was near Techno and Ranboo was near Tommy.

"WAKE UP FUCKERS!" I shouted and Tubbo and Ranboo poured the water on Tommy and Techno.

"AHH WHAT THE FUCK!" Techno and Tommy said in sync.

(The cups are plastic) Ranboo and Tubbo dropped the cups and we all sprinted out of the room into Ranboo's. Ranboo locked the door and there was then pounding on the door seconds later.

We all started to laugh over the yelling from Techno and Tommy telling us to let them in.

"Oh my god that was amazing!" Tubbo said in between laughs.

"That was amazing. Tommys face was the best!" Ranboo laughed high fiving Tubbo.

"Good job you two!" I patted there shoulders and we laughed a bit more.

The pounding on the door stopped. The doorknob started to jiggle and we all looked at eachother.

"Quick think fast!" I whisper yelled.

"Ok sorry Ranboo- also Wil hide in the closet!" Tubbo whisper yelled back.

I nodded and hid in the closet. I peeked out and saw Tubbo move Ranboo a bit farther away from the door before he quickly pulled him down to his height and kissed him. Seconds later the door flung open and Tommy and Techno stood in the doorway in shock.

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