Part 11 - Kaz

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"There's news of a ship ported in the Warehouse District that matches the description you gave exactly," Jesper says after glancing over a note that a new gang member, Alex, gave him. I'll have to give them some sort of promotion for their quick help.
"Name?" I ask, stopping my pacing for the first time in hours. My leg aches and feels as though it might give, but she keeps me standing. I haven't slept in over forty-eight hours, my mind is cracking, but she's gone. Taken. And what they could be doing to her—
"The Wraith," he reads, eyes flickering to mine in recognition. I drop onto my chair, gripping my cane tightly.
Her name, title.
Her ship.
"You gave her a ship named The Wraith?" Wylan asks, leaning forwards in his chair.
"My question is more why they'd keep the name on the boat the same if they don't want to be found," Jesper asks.
"Unless they do," I say grimly, mind whirring into action. "Or it's a decoy."
"Do we send someone?" Wylan asks.
"Do you want me to go?" Jesper asks, straightening up. "I can."
"Do you want a team?"
"Do you need a Grisha on hand in case of attack?"
"Do we send just a Grisha?"
The thin wooden armrest of the chair snaps in my gloved hand, causing the couple to silence.
"I don't know. We can't send anyone," I hiss, standing again. "So I'll go myself."
Wylan stands at that, stepping next to Jesper.
"You can't do this alone, Kaz," he says softly. They think me unstable?
I give a choked laugh.
Even when Van Eck captured Inej last time it was to get to me. If he hurt her, he would never have survived. But if I can't catch these two former crime-lords... they will hurt her, knowing her pain causes my own. Inej, darling Inej... why must you be caught up in everything? After all you've done for me must you take this blow too?
"Watch me," I snarl, shoving past Wylan with my cane and stepping outside the door.
"Kaz," Jesper calls.
"Don't try to stop me again," I growl, limping down the hall. A hand clamps down on my shoulder and I spin around, using the top of my cane to smash it into Jesper's stomach. He stumbles backwards, Wylan rushing to his side for support.
"You aren't in your right mind, Kaz!" Wylan calls as I turn again.
"That wasn't what I was going after you for," Jesper wheezes. "I'm going with you."
"What?" Wylan asks, dumbstruck.
"No you're not," I say, turning around. "This is my battle, not yours."
"Inej is our family too," Jesper says, standing straighter. "And she might not be one of the dregs anymore but she's sure as hell one of the crows."
"If Jesper's going then I am too," Wylan insists, holding his head up higher. "Im not leaving her."
"Fine, come or go," I say, turning and limping away again. "But do not, under any circumstances, blow my cover or hold me up."

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