Ch. 3 : The Picnic

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Recording By: Chip TriSquare

(Art is not mine.)

Greetings, everyone, I am Chip TriSquare, apprentice to the late knight Lady Ophelia, (Tree of Life Rest Her Soul) and you are listening to, or reading through, Celestia's collection of Tales from Nowo's 24 Hour DJ Diner. The tale I am about to tell you is my point of view from the first outdoor event the diner held, a picnic to celebrate "just being here, in the now," as they called it. I do remember Celestia herself being there as well. 

His Majesty King Pilate had just placed me on a "well-deserved break" for practicing my combat training with the new instructor, Old Tripelseis, as they called him. (They weren't kidding when they said he was manipulative.) I lived between Melody City and his Majesty's Palace, so it wasn't surprising that I began to hear about Nowo's now-famous diner. It was a Sunday, and so I readied my 'steed,' a nice blue station wagon car, and headed there. 

Nowo was just finished with his shift and was planning on going for a hike at the nearby park, with Lumi covering him. I ordered a sandwich to-go, and asked Nowo if I could come with him. 

"Of course!" He replied. "Anyone is welcome to come with me. And Chip, please feel free to send my regards to the King when you return to the palace, alright?" 

I nodded in return. A voice at my side said, "If that's the case, can I come as well?"

Despite the remark being so quiet, it had come from a tall, stocky circle with spikes around his face, wearing a pulldown hoodie, sweatpants, and scuffed-up sneakers, the color scheme being black and blue with a faint hint of red. He carried his order in a small brown paper bag. It was Puffer, formerly known for his short temper, now famously known as 'the reluctant assassin,' which I duly respect him for. 

Nowo and I both nodded. Puffer gave a small smile as well. 

When we entered the park, the circle immediately set off through the brush, as if he knew the spot he was looking for. We shrugged, and went along the trail, up the hill through the forest to where we knew there was a bench and a scenic spot. The bench was right near the spot where Lumi and her boyfriend Perry hung out one time, Nowo told me, but that's a different story. 

When we reached the bench, though, Puffer wasn't there. I was worried. "Could he be lost?"

"I don't know," Nowo replied. "We'll look for him later, after we eat lunch." 

Which we did. I had my sandwich and Nowo had a deli turkey wrap. I didn't even know the diner made those, so I made a note to myself to order one next time. 

Just as I was finishing up,  we both heard music, coming from somewhere back in the forest. "A pan flute," I identified, "and a very good player, too." 

I stood up, while Nowo scrambled frantically to finish his lunch. "Hey, wait for me!" 

I followed the music, with Nowo hurrying behind. Suddenly, we ran into Lumi, with pretty much the rest of the diner (including Celestia and a few of her Paradise College pals) following. 

"What's this, sis?" Nowo asked his sister in disbelief. 

Lumi rolled her eyes in mock exasperation. "Word of your excursion spread around the diner like a wildfire. Everyone wanted to come."

Nowo playfully waved her off. "I know, I know. Well, the more the merrier as they say!" 

"We're trying to find Puffer." I interjected. "I believe he must be the player of the pan flute we've been hearing on our way here."

As if on cue, the music started again, and the crowd quieted to listen. Once again, now as a group, we began to follow.  

 We came upon a decent-sized stream with a small trail running next to it. And I say small, because it was fairly obscure, except one could easily discern Puffer's sneaker prints. And it looked like he had made the trail himself. 

Tales from Nowo's 24 Hour DJ Diner: Project Arrhythmia and Just Shapes and BeatsWhere stories live. Discover now