Chapter One: Into The Mirror

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Tyler's POV:

A soft groan escaped my lips as I woke up. Normally I wouldn’t even be awake right now. Sitting up I heard what had woken me once again. Screaming. Honestly I didn’t even want to imagine what was going on. I crawled out of bed slipping on a white t-shirt. Upon walking out I noticed that the screaming wasn’t coming from inside but rather outside. Letting out an annoyed sigh I went outside. I looked around for a bit before hearing it above me. 

      “Anime! Fuck yeah!” That voice rang through my head for a moment. Looking up I saw one of my friends on my roof dabbing. After a few moments I recognized this one to be a male friend of mine. Taking in his looks I soon regretted coming out. His blue hair standing out the most as it blew in the morning wind. His outfit resembled that of Kakashi from Naruto. I groaned softly. This was Kakashi. No I don’t mean the actual Kakashi. He legally changed his name to that. No one actually knows his real name. 
   “What are you doing up there!” I called up to him. He looked to me before dabbing once more and running around the roof. Dear Luna why do I live with him. I was about to call for help when I heard a loud crash on the side of the house. Window breaking. Turning my attention over I see yet another annoying friend of mine. I couldn’t look at him for long due to his neon yellow hair. He much like Kakashi wore an outfit from a show. His being Ghostbusters though.
    “You got any…. Ghosts!” As he jumped screaming this he paused to spin a fidget spinner before saying ghost. I didn’t bother to catch him. Watching him hit the ground. I groaned rolling my eyes before walking to the door and opening it. 

     “Suka! The ‘Meme Team’ is at it again! We need a ladder!” I paused for a moment looking to the male who jumped out the window. Luigi to be exact.

    “And possibly an ambulance!” I finished. I heard a muffled response. Shrugging it off I walked in smelling food cooking. My mouth started to water as the smell of bacon flooded the house. I decided that it was Ross who was cooking. He was the most amazing cook in the house. Not to mention no one was allowed in the kitchen to cook without him having a say in it. I stayed in the living room though not wanting to cause havoc early in the morning. I looked over to the tv when something or well someone caught my eye. It had been yet another person. He wasn’t really a friend. At least I think? Anyways his dirty blond hair covered his teal eyes as he ate… Ice and water?

   “What the hell..” I muttered noticing a cardboard box next to him with Depressi’os written on it in sharpie. He looked up before starring me dead in the eyes with a single tear streaming down his cheeks. He held a neutral face as teal eyes met my light green ones. He then took a bite of his Depressi’os. We stared at each other for a few seconds before he went back to looking down in his corner. 

    “....Okay” I then decided to sit on the couch and watch tv. And I know I should probably worry about my ‘friends’ outside but I could honestly care less. I was soon joined by a new friend. They were new to the group completely. I honestly felt bad for them. They had orange-brown hair that almost fit with their mixed eyes. This was Ash. I don’t even think they’re human. That wraps up about every-
     “My plans to rule the world are almost complete!!!” Oh yeah. That guy. I always forget he’s a friend of mine. The last person is a man crazed with taking over the world. I slowly got up from the couch hearing Ross call for breakfast. Thank god. I walked into the kitchen soon followed by everyone else. And I know what you’re going to ask. How can we all live and deal with each other? Well to put it simply we’re all friends. None of us like to admit it or anything but we’re all friends. Family if you want to sell it. We all sat at the table. Or well all but Luigi. I turned my attention to Suka at this time. She was a teal eyed girl with purple hair down to her shoulders. She and I mostly avoided each other honestly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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