Chapter 5

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Inside the lobby of Tsutenkaku Tower, Sherlock made himself comfortable on a rickety wooden chair he placed strategically behind a group of large leafy plants

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Inside the lobby of Tsutenkaku Tower, Sherlock made himself comfortable on a rickety wooden chair he placed strategically behind a group of large leafy plants.

His perch gave him an unobstructed view of the reception desk that greeted the wide-eyed tourists and bored locals who trudged through the Tower doors. And at the same time, it gave him the best cover from anyone who happened to glance his way.

The envelope he forged in the airport limo rested on the upper shelf of the staff mail slots behind the reception desk. And no matter what happened, his eyes would stay glued on it. No one could touch that letter without him knowing.

Satomi met him behind the plants. "The security guard said he would let us know if someone comes for the letter. I paid him to allow us to stay for as long as it takes."

"Yes, I see that," Sherlock said, his eyes riveted on the shelf and envelope.

Satomi wrung her hands, her eyes darting between Sherlock and the reception desk. "If... when Charlie comes, it is best if you move towards her on the right, and I will come from the left. That way..."

"Shhh!" Sherlock hissed. "How do you expect me to concentrate when you're blathering on like that?" He rested his elbows on his knees and templed his fingers. "Leave now. I'll handle it from here."

Satomi continued to wring her hands. "I was told to stay with you... to... to help."

"You're not helping. Do you think the little rat will make an appearance when the cat is so close? Not unless she's a stupid rat, and I hardly think she's that."

"But President Taoka said not to leave your side," she said earnestly.

Sherlock's eyes flitted to her face, and the fear that lined her features made his sharpened words evaporate in his mouth. He sighed as he brought his eyes back to the reception desk.

"I know you're worried, Miss Yamamoto, but I will bring her back. I won't return unless that happens."

Satomi looked at him hopefully before nodding. "Very well. I am tired. I will go back to the hotel and wait for your call, Mr. Holmes." She set her briefcase on the ground. "I have three numbers in case I can not be reached on one of them. If you like, I can put them into your phone?"

Sherlock gritted his teeth. He'd be damned if he took his eyes off the letter to enter her blasted numbers. His thumbs swiftly put in his passcode to his phone and he handed it to her. "Do it quickly and be off."

Satomi took his phone and tapped away on the cell before handing it back to him. "Thank you. I will wait to hear from you."

She picked up the briefcase and turned to go, then hesitating, looked back at Sherlock. "May I bring you a tea or coffee while you wait?"

Sherlock sighed again. "I would never turn down a cup of tea."

Satomi left and within minutes was back, holding out a paper cup to him. "Japan has the very best tea."

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