S1 e1 part 1

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So I was just on your basic vamp hunt until I get a call from my older brother dean I answer "hey dean-o" I say as I cut the vamps head "hey y/n so after that case I need ya to come to the address that I sent ya" "um sure but why" I ask now curious "well dads been on a hunting trip" he responds "well ya he's been on one for a while? Does he need backup or something?" I reply "idk if you've been counting the days but he's been gone for 3 weeks." you stop in your tracks "have you called him?" I ask hoping my father is ok. "No I never called him and this is just a hunch that he's in trouble" he says with the Winchester sarcasm "can you hear my eye roll to the back of my head?" "Can you hear me smirking"  "yes It can make the sun run away" "hey!" I laugh at dean's reaction "anyways all jokes aside I'll be there soon I'm gonna finish up and then we can look." I say while walking around making sure the coast is clear "well I was hoping we could get the band back together" he replies "what band the only time me you and dad have hunted together was that one time we thought we saw the demon with the yellow eyes." "I mean you me and Sammy you dumbass." I freeze in your tracks when sams name was mentioned "but I thought sam didn't want anything to do with dad much less help him" "well it's worth a shot ain't it?" I guess if we are gonna find dad we need the brains of the three and I knew damn well that dean isn't that that smart and I never really cared about school so sam was our only bet "alright we meet up at that hotel and then drive to sams house" I ask "bingo" he says and I can hear him snap his finger "so dean..." "ya?" "Can I drive baby?" "Hmmmm no" and he hung up "what a bitch" I say out loud and a vamp comes running at me so I chop his head off "not very sneaky ya little bastard. Oh and you can come out to" I point your machete at the direction of the other vamp "welp let's dance Dracula"
________________________________I finally arrive at the hotel and see dean eating a burger in baby so I decide to scare dean for no reason what so ever so I walk over to the car and bend down so he couldn't see me and knocked on the window then opened the door then closed it trying not to laugh "the hell?" I hear him say so then I jump up and scare the shit out of him after he calms down I get in baby "you should hav seen the look on your face." I say while laughing "damn you y/n!" I chuckle "you know I'm your favorite sibling" "I don't have favorites" "sure you do dean sure you do" "I got you some food" he says as he points to the bag "awww you should have" I say as I grab the food "so what are you gonna do with that" he points to your car "well I'll leave it here and when we come back with Sam I'll get in my own car and you and Sammy can have a little chat and uhh catch up!" I say "what about you shouldn't you catch up with him?" "Oh I still talk to Sam he's planning on going to college and all that stuff. And besides the only reason I think we need Sam is because he's the brains of the three of us we all know it's neither of us." He looks at me blankly "I'm not that stupid come on." " you had all b's in school while Sam got straight a's so Sam is the smartest." I say "oh ya and ever time you got your report card you burned it and then say you 'lost it on a hunt' when we all saw you burn it." "Well first of all screw school it's just a waste of time and second I never had time to focus on school I had hunting to do!" "You have an excuse for everything huh?" "Just shut up and drive" I say with a mouthful of burger. He gives me an eye roll and starts driving and playing his music and me and him are rocking out singing along. It's moments like these is the ones I love to have with my brother. We
are mostly hunting so we rarely have these moments.
________________________________ we arrive at sam's house "welp dean-o go in" "your not coming?" "Nope I'm gonna stay in the car for a bit and try to contact dad while you quote unquote 'get the band back together'" saying the get the band back together in a funny voice "ya ya but just come on just in case he won't listen to me he'll listen to you so come on" he says to me "alright alright!" I get out the car and sneak in sam's house with dean and we see something walking towards us I do what anyone else would have done give it a lil kick...in the rib...that's what people do right? Anyways we start fighting then dean turns on the light. "Woah easy there tiger it's just us" dean says "dean? y/n? You scared the crap outta me!" "It's cause your outta practice I guess that's what happens when you get out of the li-" I get cut off my Sam switching out spots so he's the one holding me down. "Huh I guess not. Now get the hell off me you big lug" I say as he gets up "what the hell are you two doing here?!" He asked a bit pissed off  "to reconnect have a beer ya know?" I say smiling "what the hell are you doing here" he asks yet again "alright tell him dean-o" "alright Samm-" "sam?" Dean got cut off by a blonde chick "Jess hey" Sam says to her "so this is the Jess you would tell me about" I  walk up to her "hey I'm y/n i hope my lil brother is treating you well" I say as I hold out my hand for her to shake she eventually takes it "nice to meet you and don't worry he is." "Sams said so much about you he can't stop talking about you about how beautiful you are abou-" "y/n shush." You and Jess chuckle "Sammy whose that?" "Oh dean this is my girlfriend jessica." " wait that's your brother dean?" "I love the smurfs." Dean say and I feel like he's trying to flirt with her but I'm not sure yet. "Now I got to tell you, you are completely out of my brother league." Yup he's trying. "Just let me put something on-" "no no no I wouldn't dream of it seriously" I roll your eyes because Sam said that he's dating Jess and deans trying to flirt with her of course"anyways we got to borrow your boyfriend. Talking about private family business but uh nice meeting you." He says with a small wave "no" Sam says me and dean both give him a confused look "whatever you have to say you can say it in front of her." He says now standing next to Jess you sigh knowing Sam and dean are still kinda pissed at eachother "well sam dads on a hunting trip." I say not wanting to worsen things "So?" "He hasn't been back in a couple of days..." Sam knew exactly what I meant "Jess excuse us..we have to go outside.."
________________________________"I mean come on you can't break in in the middle of the night and expect me to go off with you!" my little brother protested " your not hearing me Sammy dads missing we need your help to find him." Dean said "ya Sam we need the brains of us three." I chime in "what does brains have to do with anythin- the point is that dads always missing and he always comes back!" "not for this long so you coming with us or not?" Dean asked hoping he would come "I'm not" Sam said back and I look at him a tad surprised but also not that suprised because he had such a good life right now and I can see why he doesn't want to risk it. "Why not?" Dean said "I swore I was done hunting for good..." oh ya he did "well it wasn't easy but it wasn't that bad." "Yeah? When I told dad I was scared of the thing in my closet he gave me a .45" "yeah well whatelse was he supposed to do?" " I was 9 years old he should hav..." and I spaced out because they don't know how not to argue about everything. So I just can't hear them and I keep walking until we open the trunk and start getting some weapons "so when dad left why didn't either of you go with him" Sam asked "we were both working our own gig I was on a mighty quest of killing a nest of vamps." After I say that sam gives me a look like I had a death wish "a whole nest by yourself?!" He asked "well ya they thought I was a fellow vampire and then I cut there heads off one by one" I say and shrug "dad let you go do that on your own?" He questioned "Sammy I'm 25 I'm a grown women/man" "Sam y/n can we focus. Anyways so dad was checking out this two-lane blacktop just outside of Jericho, California about a month ago, this guy" he gave Sam the paper and I look over his shoulder "they found his car, but he'd vanished. Completely M.I.A" dean said. "Maybe he was kidnapped." Me and Sam say at the same time "yeah well, here's another one in April, another one in December 04, 03, 98, 92– 10 of them over the past 20 years all men, all same 5 mile road. Started happening more and more, so dad went to go dig around. That was about 3 weeks ago. I haven't heard from him since, which is bad enough." My brother explains "so you think someone or something kidnapped him?" I speak up "Maybe but then I got this voicemail yesterday" dean hits play and we hear dads distorted voice talk and listen once it finishes we go back to talking "you know there's EVP on that" Sam say "nice job Sammy" you pat his back "just like riding a bike huh?" I say raping my arm around his neck leaning on him and giving him the Winchester smile he give you a look and then dean kept talking "alright I slowed the message down  and ram it through a goldwave, took out the hiss and this is what I got." He hits play again and I heard a female say "I can never go home" then he hits stop "never go home." Sam said then dean closed the trunk "you know, I'm almost 2 years I've never bothered you, never asked you for a thing." Sam sighs in defeat "alright I'll go. I'll help you find him." I smile and dean nods his head "but i have to get back first thing Monday. Just wait here." He says as he starts to walk off dean calls out to him "what's first thing Monday?" "I have an interview." " a job interview?" I question "if it's a job interview skip it." Dean says "it's a law-school interview, and it's my whole future on a plate." Sam says answering our questions. "all hail judge Judy." I say playfully as Sam rolls his eyes at you "law school?" Dean asks? "So we got a deal or not?" Sam says "order order in the court" I say with a smirk on my face he rolls his eyes and walks into his house
We pull up to the crime scene and dean gets out our 'IDs' and we walk out and walk towards the sheriff "you had another one like this last month didn't you?" Dean says "and who are you three" the sherif asks us "federal marshals this is my partner and our trainee." I say pointing to dean for parnter and trainee sam. "You two a little young for marshals aren't you?" He says "aw thanks that's so kind of ya." I smile "you did have something like this correct." Dean says "yeah that's right about a mile up the road, There have been others before that." He Stated "so this victim— you knew him?" Sam asked "a town like this everybody knows everybody." He says "has there been any connection between the victims?" I ask "besides that there all men no. Not so far as we can tell." "do you guys have a theory at least?" "To be honest we don't know  maybe a serial murderer, kidnapping ring." He says "well that is exactly the kind of crack police work I'd expect out of you guys." As dean said that I shoot him a glare "I apologize for my partner he like to be sarcastic a lot anyways thanks for your time come on boys" you three start walking back to the impala you then Sam winced in pain "ow! What was that for?" Sam barked at dean "why do you have to step on my foot?" Dean shoots back "why do you have to talk to the police like that?" Sam argues so I turn around "guys enough you two act like children dean your 26 act like it sam you'll be in college soon so calm down judge Judy and get in the damn car before I take the keys and drive off" then I look back in front of me and stop "can I help you three?" A rando asked "no sir me and my brothers were just leaving come on ya big lugs" you walk off the boys following behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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