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Malik Clark
36 years old


"I got a wife at home" I said to this lady

"Yea okay" she said sitting on my desk

"Aye get off my shit" I said getting irritated I won't even do that to Deja

"Malik don't be like that" she said

"I know it's trouble in paradise since u here on a Friday night" she said

"Usually kairo be here"she said

"It ain't nun of yo damn business what I got going on" I said since usually me and Deja go out every Friday night but we got into last week.

"Seems like I hit a nerve"she said

"I'll be back in here"she said

"Don't be" I said and she left out and I continued to drink out the bottle and my phone started ringing and I answered it

"Wassup" I said

"Malia keep saying da da so mama told me to call u"man man said

"I'll be home soon I'm still working" I said putting the paperwork in folders

"Ight" he said

"Where Mack at"I asked

"Mama and him went out to go get us food and mila here" he said

"Oh frl" I said

"We go do something tomorrow I'll see y'all tonight" I said

"Okay I'll let mama know" he said

"Mhm" I said and he hung up and put my phone

"Boss I'm back"she said coming in and closed the door

"I told u not too"I said drinking some more and she came by me

"You too close" I said

"Come on Malik stop acting like u don't won't me" she said before kissing me and the liquor took over me and I kissed back

Next Morning

"So where we're u"Deja asked me while I came in and I had a headache

"Work" I said

"Work your place don't be open that long" she said

"Where u sleep since u wasn't in this damn house" she asked

"Deja dude I'll answer all these questions when I get up I got a headache and shit" I said pulling out my phone to see what time it was

"It's nine in the morning" I said

"Malik I dgaf what time it is"she said

"Just answer this was u with another bitch" she asked

"Fuck no" I said lying

"Fuck u lying for the bitch obviously answer your phone nigga"she said smacking my phone out my hand

"You go cheat on me"she asked

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