Chapter 6~What happended?

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Kota's POV

We all where standing in the hall Jason looking at me Tyler looking at me and something i didnt see coming, Ryan hugging on to Jasons long legs. Now me i was pretty much frozen. I had now been thinking about my older brother.

Me and Ryan were walking arount try to find Domm after his baseball game so we coud go home. We had been hearing yells that sounded like some boy but one stood out the most it was Domm's. We were getting closer to the voices. "You made us lose the game, ass-hole, you have now causes trouble", one of the voices said. We stopped but didnt hear anything i told Ryan to stay there, and i ran around the corner to see Domm laying in a puddle of blood. I ran over to him and picked up his head and stroked his hair. "Domm please dont leave me, i need you, im going to die without you. PLEASE, Domm i love you", what happend next made it was worst. "I love you to Kota". That was the last thing he ever said before he died.

I was snapped out of my thought when i heard Jason saying my name. "Kota, baby whats wrong, please talk to me, KOTA, please", he statered shaking me. I was still fozen. I saw a tear run down Jasons cheek. "Kota, dont leave me, i need you", was the last thing i heard.

"Kota, can you hear me", was the first thing i heard when i woke up. I was on the floor. Where was i. I opened my eyes but didnt see anyone. I was on a cold floor. I started to panic, i pushed myself up and started to freak out. "Kota, its ok", i looked around for the voice. I was on my feet looking around trying to find the voice. "Baby girl", i stopped when i heard those 2 words. Jason was in front of me, looking down at me. He put both hand on either side of my cheeks and made it to where i was looking in his eyes. "Where am i, WHERES RYAN!", i yelled when he didn say anything. I got away from him ready to run and find my only brother, when i was pushed to wall. Jason, was standing in front of me pushing me into the wall. He looked kinda mad. "Dont worry he is in the gym with Tyler shooting baskets", i tried getting aways but he pressed his body into mine harder into the wall. He put his right hand in a fist and punched the wall. I was now scared that the wall wasn't going to be the only on geting punched. "on my god, Kota i wasnt going to hurt you i promise im so sorry i didnt mean to scare you", he said in a panic. He pressed his body into mine and put his hands on my waist. He brushed his mouth past my ear, "Can i kiss you", he said. I just nodded my head, since yes didnt come out. He slowly was coming cloeser and closer to me, he look into my eyes then pressed his warm sweet lips to mine. He sucked on my lip asking to enter, i openend my mouth just a little but before i could close it his tounge and mine were fight around in one anothers mouths. He grabbed the back of my head/neck and pushed it closer to his head, his other hand was holding onto my waist pulling my to him. I was still pressed aganist the wall, i let out a soft moan which made him kiss me harder and pull me closer to him.

"JASON, IS SHE AWAKE YET", Tyler yelled from the gym. Jason and i both pulled away slowly, Jason looked to the door, "Yes you just woke her up, i will bring her in there in a minute, im going to take her home soon", Jason yelled. Jason looked about at me and waited looking in my eyes, "you are so pretty Kota", he said. Before i could say anything his lips were back on mine, i let out a little moan, i was pressed against the wall and was picked up. Jason pulled away and whispered in my ear. "please dont ever leave me, you scared me, you had a panic attack and past out for about an hour", he whispered. I didnt know what to say i dont remember having a panic attack. I looked out the window to see the sun slightly coming up. "im sorry", i whispered. For some reason i was really tiered and felt like i need to sleep, i layed my head on Jasons shoulder. "kota what are you doing", i didnt anwser. "KOTA, please" i heard his whimper. "TYLER HELP SHES FALLING A SLEEP, OR SOMETHING", Jason yelled. That was the last thing i heard before i went to sleepy land.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

Kota's POV

I woke up to a crying sound, i was not really crying but more like a whimpering sound. I opeand my eye and moaned when i saw all the sun coming into the room i was in, where was i anyway. Suddleny the whimpering stopped, i looked around blinking. "Ko-Kota", Jason said. I closed my eyes again and then i felt a dip in the bed. Jason picked up my hand and started rubbing it. "Where am i, Jas", i asked. "Baby girl, where in the hospital", when i heard that word i open my eyes and sat up as fast as i could. I have always hated hospitals and it was all cause of my mom, she died in the hospital. "Kota. calm down its just a hospital", he whispered. "Wheres Ryan, Jason", i was really starting to panic, i couldnt lose my brother. "He's with Tyler dont worry, you can see him today they are letting me take you home" he said. "Where you cry", i said to him. It looked like he was the only one in the room so it had to of been him. "Yes i thought you were........gone", he whispered. "im still here dont worry", i said to him. He layed on the bed next to me and pulled me to him. "im sorry i didnt stay with you when they split, i could have taken you with me or i could have stayed with you but i was to stupid and didnt." he said sadly.

The doctor came in and told me that i was free to go that i was just to tiered and had to many panic attacks. We went to Tylers house so we could get Ryan, Jason said he was staying with me tonight so he knew i was ok. When we pulled up to Tylers house i got out and made my way to the door, Jason opened the door and walked in, the house was small but cute i was mostly blue. It was clean and smelled nice. "Kota, how are you feeling", Tyler said out of know where. Tyler walked around with Ryan and smiled. Ryan came running up to me and i picked him up to hug and him. "i missed you sissy", he said. "I missed you to Ry by", i sat him down and he ran to Jason, Jason picked him up. "hey little man, did you have fun?", Jason asked. "Yes we pwayed legos and watched movies", he said. After a little talk Jason took me and Ryan home.

When we pulled up to the drive way my truck was sitting there. I wonder how it got there. I looked out the window to see Ryan on Jasons back walking to the house. I got out of Jasons truck and walked to the door, unlocked it, and walked in. It was already night time again, it was 12:30am. "Ryan its past bed time go get night clothes on and go to bed please you dont have to go to school", i said. He ran down the hall to his room. I sat down on the couch and closed my eyes. Jason sat down next to me. I felt his hands on my waist, he slowly pushed me so i was laying with him on top of me. He put his head in my neck, "Kota, i thought you where gone, i was going to.........", he paused for a minute. "kill myself, i just found you yesterday and i thought i had killed you some how", he whimpered/whispered. He pulled his head out of my neck and put his forehead to mine. "Kota", he said. My eyes were still closed. "can i kiss you?", he asked. "yes" i whispered. I didnt know if he didnt hear me or was just wait cause he still hasn't kissed me yet. I was just about to open my eyes when he kissed me. It was sweet and slow, he pulled me closer and i let out a moan, that made him pull me closer and kissed me faster and harder. He tasted so good, he back out of the kiss and started kissing my jaw line and then down my neck, he got to under my ear and i let out a little moan. He started to suck on the skin under my ear. "your moan makes me want you more", he whispered. His voice was so husky and quit, he pulled me so i was now sitting on his lap. He put is hands under my t-shirt, they were freezing, i flinched when he touch me. "Sorry i know there cold", he said. He didn't go up past my belly button tho. "Kota" his voice said when we parted for air. "Yes, Jason" i whispered. "Can you take my shirt off please", he said. I wanted to but i didnt know if i can, i know what this will lead to, it not that im scared to truthfuly i wouldn't have been my first time, i was scared becuase he was my PE teacher and i didnt know if i would be able to contol myself in school. "please, i wont hurt you. I promice Kota", he said firmly. I toke his black T-shirt of, i froze when i saw a tattoo that i have never seen on him before. It was on the left side of his chest. I put my finger on it and traced it. It said 'Kota, is my love'. "Kota, whats wrong", he said. I looked up at him, "your tattoo, its my name", he smiled and kissed my neck. "i got it a mouth ago cause i didnt think i would ever find you so i had your name tattooed on me", he breathed. He kissed me hard, my hands were on his chest covering his tattoos. I was picked up and was being carried somewhere. "Baby girl, wheres you room. I dont want to wake Ryan up", he whispered. "Last door on the right", i whimpered. I was getting tiered but i wanted to kiss Jason all day. He open my door and walked in, he closed the door with his foot and walked over to the bed. He slowly put me down but we never broke a part. "Kota, do you even want to do this?" he asked me. "I mean i would love to and i want to be with you but i dont want to scare you or make you do something you dont want to do", his voice rang through my ears. "i want you" i whispered. Thats all it took, he started to kiss me harder, he took his pants off and toke my shirt off. He didn't do what other guys did, he didnt feel me up and pretty much kept his hands on my waist pushing me into the bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~next morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up to someone breathing into my neck, what happened last night came to me. It was a really good night. I turned to look at the beautiful guy laying next to me. "morning baby girl" he whispered. "morning" i said. He grabbed me and pulled me into him, "Kota", "hmm", "i love you". I froze at those words, no one has ever loved me. "don't worry, i do really love you im not lying", he said. " I love you to Jason Black", i said. He turned to me and looked me in the eye, he was about to kiss me when there was a little knock at the door, my eyes went wide and we both got up and got dressed.

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