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6 Month Pregnant - (will be skipping months for the last few pages)

I am 6 months pregnant, Niall wants this one to be a surprise.

Niall, he's still on tour, he's been back twice now. He came about 3 months ago for 3 days. It was nice but I wish it would last longer.

But I understand his job.

He texts me every few days, and calls Natalie every two weeks.

It is really hard, mum came back ages ago and was shocked. She wants very happy. She was quite disappointed, that I got mocked up again unexpectedly.

I've already set up the office for the baby. All of the old office stuff is in the storage closet.

It's basically, Nats old cot, a chest of drawers I found cheap online and the walls are painted again.

Cream walls and brown carpet. The same carpet as before.

At the moment,I haven't really been outside. I've walked around the village a little. But never really gone into town. We have a mini market in the village in near too so I just go there.

I'm a little worried to go into town, some people might recognise me. Natalie is so excited for the baby.

She can't wait to be a big sister. It's a little weird how there 10 years apart though.

I'm not sure what I would like.

It would be nice to have another girl, but I think I would rather have a boy this time. I have a few names picked out for the girl or boy.

I'm actually in the middle of calling Niall about names. We talked about his tour and stuff for about 5 minutes before the baby names popped up.

"thought of any names, Niall"

- a few, you?

"a couple lets here yours first"

- umm, I quite like Sean, Sam and Liam for a boy

" nice, what about girls?"

- Sophie, Eva, Kaitlyn and Amber

- what names do you like?

"for boys I like Luke, Theo and Deon?"

-we can't call it Theo, that's my nephews name

"you never told me you had a nephew, I really need to meet your parents soon!"

-I know, what about girls?"

"well if I ever had twins I wanted to call them Amber and Luke for boy and girl, but it's only one baby. So umm I quite like Brooke, Dylan and Cathy"

"interesting bunch haha"


8 Months Pregnant.


"Jennifer!!!!" I yelled as I ran to the girl standing at the airport doors.

"Lindsay!! OH MY GOD!" she said smiling and looking at my huge bump.

"How have you been!?" I asked happily

"ive been amazing" she answered as we walked over to my car. Susan is driving. (Susan is my nursing friend.

We hopped into the car and drove over to my house. About a 30 minute journey. That was my actually 3rd town in town since my 6 month marker.

"tell me everything!" she spoke sitting down on my coach.

"where do I begin" I wondered

"Natalie is a big fan of 1D. Liam invited her and me in Tour. I injured my arm. Got into fights and a load of crap. I found out Niall was Natalie's father and told Liam. Niall and me somehow had sex and he got me to where I am now. I told him at the airport. The same place I got stabbed." I said rather quickly.

She just stared at me before bringing me into a hug without any words.

"so how's you?" I randomly asked

"good, I'm working on my project I told you about. It's finished now. It was amazing. Im now aloud to work in professional movie sets! And im in the relationship" she smiled

"ooh, who's the lucky bloke?"

" gal actually.."

"oh, congratulations! What's her name?"

"Her name is Melanie, Melanie Adams. She's 29 and she's from Massachusetts. I really like her."

"I'm happy for you." I smiled

We are now in town again! 2nd time today! We are going into the mall for shopping clothes for me and the baby. I'm a little for confident since I haven't been recognised in town yet.

"that's cute!" Jennifer smiled, turned to show me a adorable little dress.

"it's cute, but I dot know is it's going to be a boy or girl yet." I smiled

"look for uni-sex clothes"

"k" she turned around again. Looking back at the rows of tiny clothes

I pushed through the different racks for the new baby coming soon. It's getting a little harder to walk.

Natalie is with us, she's carrying the basket around. So far it's filled with a few dummy's and bibs. I had binned Natalie's old ones. I still have her old bottles though.

I walked over to the baby show rack. So cute. Little dolly shoes!

A flash came from behind me. I turned around to see a group of whispering girls. Around 6 of them. Three had there camera phones out and must have forgotten to turn the flash off.

I turned around quite scared. I looked back at the shoes, trying to ignore them.

"excuse me?" one asked

"yeah?" I turned around again to meet with a blonde haired girl who looked around 15-16

"are you Lindsay Diamond. Niall's Horans pregnant girl?" she asked

"umm, why?"

"are you?" she asked again

"yeah, I am. I don't want no trouble so do you mind leaving me alone" I asked nice and calm.




"why not?" I asked

"because we want to hurt you"

"hurt me? Why do you want to hurt me?" I asked a little scared

"well, we don't wan to hurt you, we want to hurt the baby. Then you can leave Niall alone" another said

"excuse me! How dare you say that. You are just a bunch of disparate stupid girls who are over obsessed. And even if you did hurt them it wouldn't keep me away from Niall" I raised my voice.

Jennifer realised me and came over. But before I could even move away. 2 of the girls punched my stomach and ran off.

But it wasn't a punch.

It was a stab. 2 stabs (again)

Daddy Horan [ N.H ]Where stories live. Discover now