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Breakfast is considered one of the most important meals of the day. it is said that if you don't eat your breakfast properly then you feel lazy all day. And, if you are certain that next morning is going to be completely hectic, don't mind putting in an effort for your healthy breakfast one night before.

So, let's know more about healthy breakfast!

This good read will enlighten you about overnight oats and their benefits.

This recipe will take a maximum of 10 minutes and ensure a healthy and yummy morning without the investment of extra time.

It feels more energetic in the morning, which is a nice bonus. The recipe below is one of my favorites because it's easy to make and tastes great. It's a nice way to start the day with something that tastes incredibly healthy, but it won't make you feel sluggish in the morning.


Let's find out the method for the scrumptious pick:

1. The night before serving, have one cup of rolled oats (not instant) or quinoa flakes, depending on your preference. It is recommended to start with one cup of dry oats and add more as needed if you do not want a chalky texture.

2. Then, add cinnamon to your oats and stir them properly.

3. After cinnamon is added, 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk, unsweetened coconut, or unsweetened nut milk of your choice or you can add water if you want.

4. In the end add a pinch of salt. Then you can mix all the ingredients and put them overnight.

5. Then in the morning, you can loosen the oats with a little more milk and water if needed.

6. Then, at last, add 1/2 cup of coconut flakes, nuts, yogurt, berries, or honey of your choice. You can also add your favorite dried fruit. A great option is dried cranberries because they add a citrus flavor to the oats and look beautiful.

7. If you want you can add 1 tablespoon chia seeds (optional) Miraculous seeds that will keep you full for hours, so it's a good idea to include them in your diet.

It sounds so delicious and amazing. Well, now let's check out the benefits of overnight oats.

Wonderful Benefits

Now when you are ready to enjoy your delicious oats breakfast. You should also keep a healthy thought alive.

Having said that, let us give some food for thought by letting you know all the wonderful benefits of overnight oats.

· Overnight oats are very healthy for the body as it is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

· If you are struggling with weight problems then, you can switch to overnight oats as it helps in reducing weight.

· It is said that oats are very good for the heart because it has been shown that it reduces your cholesterol level but you have to eat 2 bowls of oats to have this benefit.

· It helps people who have type 2 diabetes as it helps in the functioning of a kidney.

· It assures the growth of hair because oats have everything that hair loves like zinc, iron, fiber, and fatty acids.

Well, after seeing so many benefits you can now switch to overnight oats. It is very good for your health and body. And, it's very easy to make.

Hope you liked this recipe and the benefits of overnight oats. Enjoy your first meal of the day. 

OVERNIGHT OATS: RECIPE AND BENEFITSWhere stories live. Discover now