9 years old

4 1 0

Everything changed at 9. I remember a loud booming knock sound through out the house. "I'LL ANSWER IT MOM!"

I ran down the stairs and opened the door greeted by a few government officials standing at my door. Their clothes where mostly white and had 101 embroidered into the top of their outfits. Small gold pins were also on their coats. The pin had a symbol I didn't recognize and again it was labeled with "101" I being 9 looked up at them in total shock. Who I thought was my friend coming over was actually people who where here to take me.

They looked down at my face and took out a folder with some papers. "Ms.Lyman, we are here in behalf of the president of the US. We are here to give you a opportunity of a lifetime. We have decided to let you into a special academy. We shall come back at this time tomorrow to fly you out there. You may bring whatever you need then we are going out. All we need is to have yours and your parents signature down here on this sheet."

Little to my knowledge this wasn't a choice if I said no I would just have been taken right then but I had taken the pen from the guy. I had learned to write in cursive that year so I tried my hardest to sign the paper neatly. After I signed they pushed their way inside, past me and talked to my mom and dad and who also quickly signed the paper once they were told how many millions they would receive from having my go.

In that moment of hearing their conversation something clicked in my head and I knew I wasn't coming back here again. I knew I was leaving for good.

304 words.
Sorry for the short chapter I will make the next one longer!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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