Chapter 4 - what are the odds

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Aria's POV

it has been 2 weeks since I first arrived, luckily lily and Devyn were my new roommates, I was kind of  happy I didn't have to share with a person I didn't know and get into beef and stuff. Me Lilly and Devyn instantly became friends, it's like we've known each other forever.

These past 2 weeks have been the best week I've ever had. I felt like I finally belonged somewhere.

Like i finally have someplace to call home.

I went to Music class 10 minutes earlier today and as usual, Jules was already there strumming something on his guitar, singing and writing some lyrics or god knows what all I knew was whatever he was doing made him happy.
Jules became my best friend out of everyone in the group, I know surprising. I still think about it and find it impossible.

"Someone seems way too happy...what is it your booyyfrienddd?" I sang.

Jules glared at me."Fuck off "

"jeez, I was teasing no need to be so harsh" I chuckled.
Jules rolled his eyes.
" And first of all he's not my boyfriend...well not yet at least," he smirked.

" what are you playing around over there?"

"None of your business" he spat

jeez he didn't have to be so rude...unless...

"OMG! is that for him?" I asked but he didn't answer and just kept on writing and strumming on his guitar.

"It is, isn't it?,the boy's in love "

He tried to throw a sharp pencil at me but thankfully he missed. I moved a seat next to him and see what he was writing in his notebook. I tried to take a peek but he kept on moving further away trying to hide it.

"come on tell me or I'll tell Devyn and you know how she'll be" I threatened then he looked at me like I was bluffing, I looked at him with the "I'm being serious" face.

"fine" he sighed

" you know your scary sometimes when you don't get what you want"

" Aaw thank you," I said taking it as a compliment with both hands to where my heart is.

"That wasn't a compliment"

" I know but I took it as one so once again thank you"

I kept on pestering him cuz he still didn't show me the song he's been working on.


"PLEASE...PLEASE TELL ME WHO IT IS !" Devyn begged Jules as he kept on shaking his head.

"Dude just tell her" Ronnie said

"Yeah, she isn't gonna stop until you tell her,plus I'm pretty curious on who mister. and I quote "i don't do love" is  has gone crazy for" I added with a smirk

"Okay, I was wasn't being serious then-" he said.

"That was literally what you told me on the second day I came here" I cut him off.

He gave me a sharp glare making me roll my eyes with a small laugh.
"Okay,as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," Jules said glaring at me again, which made Me stick my tongue out at him.

"I wasn't sure what love was then but then i met him and I really like him and it make me my heart explode thinking just about him.But don't freak out on me when I tell you who...okay?"

we all gave an excited smile and nodded.


"WHAT!" everyone shouted in shock, I was in the corner with confusion

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