Chapter 3 - "I bet these memories follow you around"

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Scarlett's POV

I was so done with Ashley at this point. Why the hell did she have to call Janet? Like why? She knows I can't be all violent or aggressive with her. Not after all that she's done for us, I can't disrespect her that way. And Ashley of all people knows that which is why she took advantage of the fact.

Whatever now, it's done and I'm too tired to argue. Although I do feel betrayed by my own sister, it's not her fault and I can't entirely blame her. It was Louis. All because of Louis. Like who the fuck does he think he is? Touching me like that? It is so fucking disgusting and inappropriate. He bit my ear ever so lightly, if that doesn't sound like he was seducing me then I don't know what's seduction.

I take a deep breath suddenly feeling very restless and uncomfortable and weirdly familiar. He used to seduce me like this. With no decency, shameless some would say but I liked it. I used to like it long before I realized he was in a way manipulating me. It was never about my feelings. It was him and his sick brain. He never cared, not once. All he wanted was my body. And I gave it to him willingly. To say I'm ashamed of myself would be an understatement.

"SCARLETT! LOOK WHERE YOU'RE GOING." Ashley's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. I look up just in time to see that I was wandering off the lane and am about to hit a lamp post. I took a sharp turn away from it and the car swayed away towards the road but moments later, I pushed the brakes too hard and too sudden.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I heard someone. No doubt I was so reckless that I might've just caused an accident. Wait, did I? Snapping my head to look at the four just to make sure I hadn't hurt them. No one seemed in hurt or in pain but they all stared at me like I had lost my head, which was probably the case but...

"Have you absolutely lost it? We could've died. What the fuck were you thinking?" Louis snapped and I know he was right. Honestly though, I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. I had no idea what came over me. I shouldn't have stopped like that in the middle of the road. But it was like I had no control over me or my actions.

I stumble out of the car trying to make sense of the hell just happened all the while making sure no one knew something was off. My throat felt constricted. "What are you doing?" Louis asks as I walk over to the other side of the car. "Throwing your ass out of the car." I answer, knowing that he can hear me very clearly from the open window. "What?" He exclaims, confused and irritated. Good.

However, I opened the door to the passenger seat and looked at a very clueless Oliver. "Can you drive?" I ask, silently pleading with my eyes hoping he understands. "But..." He spoke up and I interrupted again, "Please?" I requested and coming from me, it was a big thing. "Scarlett he's tired. I'll..." Eric speaks up but Oliver doesn't let him complete. "No it's okay, I'll drive." He says looking at me and giving me a smile. He knows something's off. He won't ask what. He never does but what he does is make sure I'm okay. Always. That's the kind of person he is.

"Thank you." I whisper and nod as he gets off the seat and walks over to the other side. He sits inside and puts on the belt while I do the same. Ashley leans forward, her hand on my shoulder, "You okay?" She asks. "Fine." I say blankly. Not giving any thought whatsoever of what she'd make out of my reply. I didn't want her to know that I was not exactly in my right mind but then again I couldn't point blank lie to her.

After a couple of minutes of driving home in silence I realized it was getting a little too hot for me and I was parched. "Does anyone have water?" I ask out loud. And sure enough my fate seemed to be evilly smiling at me as Eric replied, "Yeah, Louis does." It's like the universe has too many 'coincidences' planned for me and Louis.

"I think I have a bit left." He says to that and I speak in desperate need, "Doesn't matter, give it here." I stretch out my hand behind the seat and he shoves the bottle in my hand. "Don't finish it." He says before he lets me take the bottle. "Whatever." I just shrug him off.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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