Baby Eyes

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Chapter 8

I woke up with Billies arm around me. I can't believe that happened I'm so happy and so very guilty! I sigh and try to grab some clothes but Billie is a light sleeper and woke up


Do all of our conversations need to start like that?

"I'm just getting some clothes on don't worry."

"Do you regret what happened last night?"

"Not even a little"

And I see him smile. Oh those lips of his! To. Die. For. But his words slurred. And I saw a bottle of alcohol at the night stand... Was he drinking again? I didn't think much of it though.

So I put on my previous clothes and look in the mirror. My hair is sticking out at the back my make up is smudged and I look like a troll. What am I going to do!? He's in MY room! What if they go looking for him!? And if I lie and tell them we accidently switched rooms how am I going to explain why he's sleeping naked? Oh shit I am so screwed.

I then hear Billie getting up

"Wheeeeere are my clothes?"

I look back at him he is still drunk

"Your boxers are on the fan, pants are under the bed, and I have no idea where your shirts went."

He wears the sexiest clothing ever i wish i could have his fashion sense. I hear him grab the clothes "The shirts under my pillow!"

When he finally puts some clothes on he starts to walk/trip away

He woke up! Horay!

It was now 8:00 and we were to leave in 30 minuets

So I found a brush in the bathroom drawers and calmed down my hair. Then i washed all the makeup off my face. Once i finished that o still had 17 minuers left so i did my bed then i started to watch T.V. until it was 8:27 and I decided to go out and see who woke up. When I walked outside i saw that everyone was ready and they were all in yesterdays clothes since we all forgot our luggage.

"Uh you guys ready to go?"

"No we still need Billie." Thor answered

"Well who went to wake him up?"

"Mike we just to wait a few minutes"

As he said that Sammy came in looking furious

"I trusted you guys to be on time and you know what!? WE ARE LATE"

"Hold on!! We just need Billie to wake up!"

"Well wake him up then!!"

"Let me do it were the hell is he!?"

Thor pointed to his room and Mike was certainly not there to wake him up. Sammy started pounding on the door.

"Wake the fuck up!!"


We all hear him puke and flush the toilet. He opens the door

"Oh god. I do not remember one thing that happened last night, I was so wasted"

He-He what? He forgot what happened!? Did he drink that much?? I-I don't know what to think.How can he just forget!! Did he want to forget!? Did he not like me!? Was I just a late night mistake? He literally ripped my heart out then spat on it, my chest hurt like nothing I've ever felt.

We walk to the bus in silence

A Chance With Billie Joe Armstrong [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now