Chapter 5

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Hey guys! New chappie to Unspoken here! Finally you all get to see the reactions! Dun dun duuun! Hope you like it, enjoy! Leave any feedback, I love it! ;) oh and the scrapbook at the top, just add more gayness in your head X3

-Brice's POV-

"Brice... how are we going to tell the guys?"

My eyes widened as Seto began trembling, eyes glazing over. I sighed, and pulled him onto my lap, holding him to me gently.

"It'll be fine babe. Male pregnancies aren't anything new, uncommon, but not abnormal. They'll be happy for us, I know it! And I'm sure Adam will be ecstatic when he finds out he'll be an uncle." I reassured, certain that the guys would be over the moon.

They all loved Seto and I as brothers, why wouldn't they? Seto still shook his head, looking up at me with tears in his eyes.

"Adam may be happy... but what about Ty?" he whispered, sniffling. I went to speak but paused.

How would Ty react, seeing his best friend pregnant when he himself couldn't be?

Ty is Seto's self proclaimed brother, if Seto didn't have his support through this, he would be devastated. I kissed the top of Seto's head as he cried, rocking him, slipping a hand under his shirt and rubbing his still flat belly.

"Shhh, baby, don't get yourself worked up. Yes, I think it will be hard for Ty, but he's your best friend, he loves you and will be here for you. He'll be a great uncle." I muttered, turning Seto's head so he was looking at me.

He took a deep breath and nodded, wiping his watery eyes and offering me a weak smile, although I could see it was strained. I sighed, kissing his forehead.

"I promise baby, it will be fine." I repeated. He nodded, then untangled himself from me, making his way to the bathroom.

I sighed again, picking up the photos and scrap book, taking them to our bedroom. I took out my wallet and put in one of the sonogram copies, tucking it safely inside.

I looked at it and smiled, closing my wallet carefully and putting it back in my butt pocket. I heard the shower running and grinned, an evil cunning plan coming to mind.

Mwahahahahaha. ~lil bit o' smut here guys ;) ~

I removed my jeans and shirt, quietly creeping towards the bathroom. I slipped into the bathroom, quickly removing the last item of clothing, stopping just before the shower.

I could hear Seto humming softly, and I recognised our song immediately. Chuckling to myself, I pulled back the curtain, stepping behind a surprised looking Seto, who was looking particularly delectable.

He smirked at me, understanding my intentions, as he turned to face me. He reached over and grabbed the soap-on-a-rope Mitch got us, in case and I quote, 'either of you drop it'.

"Now you've interrupted, would you mind doing my back?" he purred in a playful voice.

I licked my lips as I took the soap, moaning quietly as Seto backed up to me, pressing his perfect ass against my slowly hardening member.

"Easy boy." he mumbled, as I started rutting against him subconsciously, wanting nothing more than to be buried deep inside that ass of his.

I growled lowly, and pressed him against the shower wall, as he started grinding on me.

I attached his neck, sucking and biting it fiercely, leaving an angry red hickey, proclaiming to the world that he was mine and mine alone.

He moaned as I trailed my lips down his shoulders and back, my fingers caressing his sides and just brushing his nipples.

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