chapter 5

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Ethan's POV

There she was in her white crop top that read 'goodbyes aren't forever' and her neon pink skater skirt paired with black ankle length converse. she looked prettier than ever , I wanted to just hold her so tight and never let her go but sadly I wasn't worth calling her mine anymore. As I got nearer to her I could recognise the fakeness in her smile even when she managed to somehow hide it.

'I'm sorry Ethan everything was just unpredictable, I really wish I could stay here and play our memories on loop over and over again but probably life has something better in store for you than me.' saying so she turned away tryna hold back her tears. I ccouldn't see my tiny princess make such big decisions and move me away from my life I really wanted to make her understand that we could still be together but at this situation it just didn't feel right. I just wrapped my arms around her shoulders and held her really tight knowing this day would be our last. All our memories at that pond struck my head at once and I just couldn't hold my feelings in anymore, I burst into tears. I could hardly believe all of this was actually happening and I really wanted to wake up if this just some twisted bad dream.

'Listen Leah you've always been the sweet, caring and supportive girl I've ever wanted from a girlfriend.Your the most perfect girl i've known, in and out you define beauty but ofcourse you are quite much of a dumbhead 'cause thats when I need to come into your life and save you from your issues. I really dont know how will I move on in life without having you by my side but I guess there's no other way out. Love you my princess.' Every word I spoke broke me inside as I never ever expected us to end like this.

What followed next was a disturbing silence along with a long bone crushing hug with loads of memories going on in my head plus I was really angry that she didn't even think of possible ways to stay in touch,probably that's what hurt me most. I had a feeling of us still being able to last regardless of the distance but she didn't give a second thought to it so I too did not feel that very wanted amymore and did not wish for us to last anymore but my heart still wanted to keep her safe, protect her from the bad guys even though she did not want to be mine. she then said 'Eth I have something to give you' and she handed me a small lavender box with hand made stickers of two bears in love. I really loved all the cute stuff she made for me, it always made my day and I would have a bright wide smile plastered on my face the rest of the day.She then told me to open it when I felt lonely and helpless.
So this was it, the love of my life just handed me a goddamn gift box with a sentimental note and left me to rot in my sorrow while she would start a new life afresh with better people than me and become all famous and hot in her last year of high school, YAY! So much for being loyal to her, buying her gifts,taking her to dates, handling her horrible moodswings when she's on her periods 'cause of course anything girls say or demand for should be done right at that very split second else they turn their beast mode on, no I dont mean the sexy beast I mean the actual beast getting all mad for no reason and rant about the stupidest shit they could possibly think of.
Now all that was left was a nice and sweet goodbye kiss but it just did not feel right to kiss some one who didn't even bother about me two bits but as her lips came closer to mine I couod resist her juicy and strawberry scented lips, we almost kissed but then I turned away, I couldn't take this 'I'm leaving you on a sympathy note go find some one better in college and forget about everything between us.'
She again failed to try to get me back and I was done with my mind struggling to let her go or stay. I just said' bye Leah. Good luck for your future and good luck finding a new significant other.'
But I would come and crush that guy under my feet soon so actually stay single until I find you again?
And she left me..... forever.
No actually until I find her again.
Yes my brain has internal wars.

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