Chapter 1

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"Pups to the LookOut!" Ryder's voice rang through the puptags.

The game of frisbee going on came to a halt as each of the pups paused in their movements, attention dropping down to their collars.

Chase was the first to look up, tail wagging as his gaze swept over his friends with an excited howl, "Ryder needs us!"

Chase gave his friends a fleeting grin before he was taking off in the direction of the LookOut. Skye was quick to hurry along after him, followed by Rocky, Rubble and then Zuma following closely on Rubble's heels.

"Hey!" Marshall called around his mouthful of the frisbee, finally noticing that the others had raced away while he'd been distracted, "wait up!"

Marshall followed along, frisbee forgotten in his mouth as he rushed after the others. 

The doors of the LookOut opened upon the arrival of Chase and the others, followed by the elevator doors sliding open too. 

Marshall stumbled in the doors last, but before he could get his footing, he managed to catch his foot in the edge of the frisbee in his mouth, "woah!"

The others winced as the dalmation tripped, stumbling into the elevator and somehow managing to knock the others down. Marshall looked up sheepishly from the bottom of the doggy pile, "heh, frisbee anyone?"

The pups shared a laugh as Marshall finally spat out the frisbee toy. They all stood up from the mess of sprawled paws as the elevator doors slipped shut now that all the pups were inside. 

The pups were quick to change into their uniforms halfway up the LookOut, moving on practiced autopilot. They were quick to file into their assigned lineup order, sat straight-faced and ready for whatever Ryder was going to throw at them.

When they finally arrived on the top floor of the LookOut, Ryder was stood patiently with his pup-pad in hand. 

The pups flew from the elevator managing to stay organaized, launching themselves into their line-up in front of Ryder, ready for orders and instructions. 

"Ready for action, Ryder Sir!" Chase chanted, paw raising before flattening back on the floor as the pups waited for what Ryder had to say. 

"Thanks for coming so soon, Pups," Ryder greeted with a light smile, "the storm last night knocked over a tree by the Bay. It's hanging on just by the roots."

"Oh no!" Skye yelped, looking down the line at the other pups on either side of her.

"That's not all," Ryder sighed, "Captain Turbot says there's a scared cat that's stuck in the branches of the tree. We need to rescue the cat before the tree falls into the ocean."

Ryder pauses, looking towards the screen behind him before looking back at his pups, "for this rescue, I'm going to need Chase and Marshall."

The two exchanged a look before focusing back at Ryder, "Chase, I'll need you to set up a detour since some of the tree roots are blocking the road, and after that, I'll need you to help Marshall with keeping people away from the scene."

"Chase is on the case!" Chase barked, tail swaying behind as his face set in determination. 

"Ready for a ruff, ruff rescue!" Marshall continued after Chase, stomping his paw down in an act of dedication to the cause. 

"Good," Ryder grinned before continuing with assigning jobs, "now, Zuma, I need you and your hovercraft down below. You'll be our eyes. You tell us if it looks like it's going to shift or fall. Stay at a safe distance, and make sure any water traffic does as well, okay?"

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