Chapter 1:

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Louis' P.O.V.

"Louis! Time to get up! We have school in less than forty minutes! Get your ass up!" I heard Harry yell.

I shot up and groaned, I am not ready to go back to school. Why, you're asking? Well, because that's where I get bullied, by the main "badass" kids in my high school.

Zayn Malik and Liam Payne.

Zayn has that mysterious look, which tells people not to mess with him. But Liam on the other hand, looks as defenseless as a lost puppy dog, but trust me, he isn't as sweet and innocent as he looks.

" Louis, I swear to god, if you don't get up right-" I cut him off by groaning and lifting myself out of my comfortable bed.

Today is definitely not going to go well. 


Harry and I walked into school as the bell signaled to get to our first period class.

"Shit," Harry muttered. I turned towards biology, where as Harry turned towards English.

" I'll catch you later,yeah?" I asked Harry. "Sure thing," he agreed, then we went our separate ways.  

Biology was boring, like always. Nothing had changed until five minutes before the bell. Mr Higgins was called down to the office so he gave us the last five minutes to talk.

"Hey, faggot. Ready for your treatment after school?" Zayn sneered. I look down knowing exactly what he meant by "treatment" , lets just say it involves getting beaten repeatedly until I black out. Of course Harry doesn't know about this. My thoughts were broken into by the sound of the bell signaling it was time for my lunch hour. Luckily I had lunch with Harry.  

I walked down the hall and into the lunch room. My eyes scanned the room until they came across the curly headed lad. Aha! There he is. I smiled and waved to Harry who saw me and grinned. He signaled for me to go sit by him, figuring that he gets us both lunch everyday.

I skipped over to where Harry was sitting and sat down in an empty seat beside him.

"Hey Lou, how was Biology?" he questioned. "It was alright," I replied trying to hide the fear in my voice. "Well that's good! Hey, do you have the rest of the day off , too?"he asked with a grin. "Actually, I believe I do," I smiled. But then I remembered what Zayn had said about my "treatment". My smile faded, and Harry looked over, but before he noticed, I plastered a fake grin on my face. To be honest, I am scared shitless.  

Way too soon for my liking, the bell rang, so Harry got up and asked, "Lou, just come to my flat after you get your stuff, okay?" I nodded and smiled at him, mumbling a quick bye. I walked over to my locker and grabbed all my books. I realized I was one of the few people left inside the school. I was silently praying Zayn or Liam weren't going to show up.

Quickening my pace, I pushed through the doors leading to outside. I breathed a breath of relief, happy because they didn't come like they said they were. I started walking with a little skip in my step. I froze.

"Look at who thought he got away from his treatment, well you're not getting away now, faggot." 


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