The Beginning

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Hi , everyone

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Hi , everyone . I am Miya . Today I will be telling all of you my story . Before starting I would like to tell all of you that instead of reading my story as an ordinary story you guys should read it as a journal . Actually it's a journal of my life , before today I have never shared it with anyone . I would like to suggest all of you to see these story as one of your owns , only then you can relate my story as yours.

17 th March , 2016
Hello dear diary ,
Today is my first time using you . I actually was hoping for someone to listen to my thoughts and views but it seemed like everyone in my family is super busy . Never mind !!!
I miss my school days in Canada. It's been 2 weeks I have been in Korea , Seoul. I am bored as hell ...
I asked dad to let me join the high school as soon as possible . Cuz the senior 1st year starts from 21st March. Actually my main reason of wanting to go to high school as soon as possible is because I have only few friends around my familial circle and I want to make lots of new friends . I'm basically hoping for going to an ordinary average Korean high school just like elder brother junho and brother seojun.
As my family is super rich I am not always allowed to go anywhere I want to go like other kids while I was aboard . But now I'm home so want enjoy my high school fully . I really hope my grandpa allows me to go an ordinary school instead of those private so called luxurious high school , I talked to dad and my elder brothers about it . Mostly my brothers agree with me but today only brother junho and seojun only agreed , so I am pretty mad . Like why I have to go such schools as them because I am rich , is not it literally foolishness , as for school we basically go there to learn different kinds things including acquiring knowledge so what's the difference between going on an ordinary and a so called extraordinary school. Ahhhh..
I literally don't understand what's the use of going to  such school if I cannot be as good them . As for many kids in these world go to super expensive schools but at the end they are not even half of equal to the wealth of there own family owns . Now I sound weird but that's how I am . I want to be treated as ordinary as other kids all around the world . I am so jealous of those kids who can live there life as their own ways . I can barely remember when I last had a proper meal at our dinning table with all the family members of our house , I guess we never did . On the other hand there kids who live in a small apartment with there family members even though they face several new problems still then stand by each time with other members and they also have there 3 times a meal in a day with there family members happily sitting together in there dinning table .
I want to be part of that ordinary world . Many people think I am rich that's why I am always supposed to be happy . Maybe I am but mot always . Even though I am rich I am not always happy , even I am unhappy if I don't show it does not mean I do-not have my own sufferings maybe if a person is silent or shows he/she is happy it doesn't mean they are always happy . Maybe they just don't show it and more likely we should remember that we all have our own part of sufferings , so let's just not judge.
I come from a rich family maybe that's why people around me respect a lot and also think I am so strong due my familial status .
But really hope they can like me either dislike me for being me , just me . Not as a granddaughter of luo family or the future heir of Luo company. I want to be judged for being me and also want to be liked for being me.
Maybe because its the right to love myself more than liking other's.

I really want to tell you my dear diary that I don't think all rich are happy , actually I know they aren't. But as we all are wearing a mask of riches we can't help but just pretend .

Thank you for listening to my words and thoughts .

From Miya .📜📜📜

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