Where is the Barden University Rape Whistle When You need it?

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Can my life get any more difficult?

Ever since I rushed into my apartment after finding that Kaiden is my neighbor, I have vigorously been unpacking and blasting Hans Zimmer music.

Judge me.

Yes, the normal female would be ecstatic to find out that one of the most attractive and most talented dancers in New York City is there neighbor, but I am extremely awkward and not a very reliable neighbor.

So most likely I will end up locking myself out of my apartment weekly and knock on his door.

Not a very good situation to be in, just ask my roommate from college.

So now I have a gorgeous human being as my emergency call-person. I mean, it's not my problem, but still, I can't help but feel kind of embarresed of the eminent situation.

So, I worked away on my boxes, looking like a man-on-a-mission while listening to my Hans Zimmer.

He is an extremely talented composer.

In my determined state, though, I did not notice the knocking on my door, nor did I notice a certain person enter my apartment, and didn't even recognize their presence behind me.

Until they wrapped their arms around my waist.

My first thought was to scream, "RAPE!", but, then the person put there hand over my mouth.

Where's the Barden University rape whistle when you need it?

"Shh, Alenabella. It's just me..." I heard their soft voice on my neck, the warmth of their breath tickling me and causing me to shiver. 

Oh. It's him. Great, fantastic, wonderful. I now have a neighbor that break into my apartment.

"What do you want Kaiden?" I sigh into his hand, but it only comes out as a blob of vowels and attempted syllables.

"Sorry Lena, can't understand jibberish." He snickered.

I am not going to put up with this shit.

So I bite him.

I bite him hard on the thumb, and wherever I can possible sink my teeth into, and I hold on until I taste blood.

 Holy shit! Did I literally make him bleed?

"Ow Lena! Fucking hell that hurts like a bitch! You made me bleed!" He cried out.

He inspects his hand, his ears and neck red. His face was flushed with anger, and I could practically see the steam coming out his ears.

Hehe. That's what you get hun'.

I'm so proud of myself. I made a guy bleed. Who the superior gender now asshole!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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