The new Timeline: God of Mischief

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It was incredible, just how much destruction one woman could cause! Thor had warned his soldiers that her blows were deadly, and instructed it was more important to stay alive than go for a feeble attempt at a shot.

This seemed to be the only reason only Fandrals shoulder had been sliced and not his neck which was the target.

Hela had no care for the damage, pillars were torn down, explosions happened and then both Loki and Thor were sent crashing behind debris as Hela vanished.

"Urghh... " Loki groaned. "She's going for the treasure vault."

"Let her." Thor sighed turning to Loki. "You know there's nothing down there."

Loki smirked. "As planned." then his smile turned to a frown. "So that's sister dear?"

"Yup," Thor replied. "Pleasent company isn't she?" he asked Loki.

Loki returned with an absolute deadpan look. "She's a bitch." he simply stated.

Thor nodded slightly. "I am hard pressured to argue against that," he admitted.

"I am going to kill that bitch." Loki informed in a low nearly growling voice.

"If you find a way to do that on your own, you have my full support." Thor sighed deeply.

Loki glanced up at Thor. "I would just like to take the opportunity to remind you that I am in fact adopted, so really. It's not me she's related to!"

Now it was Thors turn to give Loki a deadpan look.

"Just putting it out there," Loki informed. "Technically she's only your sister. Not mine."

"Are you just going to pick and choose who you are going to consider family members and who you won't?!" Thor asked.

"Yeah," Loki replied. "I mean, there have to be some advantages to being the adopted one right?"

"That's not how that works Loki," Thor stated

Loki shrugged. "Isn't it though?" he asked, just as a scream sounded, a roar making the entire hall shakes and bricks fell down. Loki looked up. "You think she realized the treasure vault is empty?" he asked.

"I'll say there's a good chance of that," Thor replied just as the goddess of death appeared again.


"Sorry!" Loki called from his hiding spot. "Then again, I doubt even the flame of life would be able to warm up your cold bitchy heart so you're really not losing much!"

And Hela screamed... But she didn't come to them, Thor turned to Loki to see him grinning then... Thor crawled across the debris and saw...

Lokis image, dancing and swaying as Hela was screaming, plunging her blades at him but kept missing... Thor looked down next to him and saw the real Loki, snickering with a grin on his face, then Thor looked up and saw the illusion, laughing and dancing as Hela was too blinded by her rage to even realize her blades had harmlessly slid through an illusion.

Thor looked down again and Loki looked up with a grin on his face. "Any objections?"

Thor shrugged. "This works for me."

"Hey watch this." Loki grinned and Thor turned back to look at the fight of the goddess of death vs illusion she couldn't touch.

"Stand still YOU MORONIC BEAST!" Hela yelled at Loki's blue Jotnar form only for Lokis illusion to jump up and land on some debris.

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