The flight of dream

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"Are you ready? We need to leave within 15mins so we can reach the airport 2 hours early, hurry up" my mom started rattling as she burst into my room.
" gosh mom keep it low it's 3:00 am the rest of the world is still sleeping and yes I'm all done I just need to say goodbye" I said as I made my way to her and jumping into her embrace as she held me tight while wiping her tears. Can someone say by looking at her that she was literally screaming 10 seconds ago.
"Aww my cutie I'm not going to the border I'm just going there for 3 years to study" I said while rubbing her back suddenly my dad appeared "oh gosh what should I do of this old women I think I should get you a new mom" my dad teased "don't even think about it I'm saying this for both of our's sake handling one is already tiring if you get another one I'm settling there" we laughed as our mother glared at us "you know what get out you both" she jokingly said while pushing us a little "okay so if you are ready let's go" and after that it was time to leave the house, Just for 3 years ofcourse but it still made me sad.
Time skip~
After settling in my window seat I waited for the flight to take off. Suddenly I saw a guy wearing a mask and bucket hat coming towards my seat and sitting on the seat near the aisle as we were supposed to leave the middle ones for precaution. The flight was about to take off when a guy with grey hair came and whispered something in the bucket hat boy's ear. I just heard and "괜찮아요" which means okay in Korean language then the grey hair guy looked at me once and went to the business class side.
Time skip~
There were still about 5 hours left so I just read a book on how to pronounce korean words "chincha it means really" as I said this the guy next to me chuckled and looked at me I gave him a confused look "its 진짜 you spell it as jinjja" my checks turned red in embarrassment "umm.. thank you" I said and closed the book so I won't have to embarrass myself again. After that I plugged in my earphones and started listening to some songs and fell asleep.
Time skip-
"Excuse me the flight has landed you should get up" I heard the boy say and woke up while turning my face towards the window to check if I drooled. He chuckled and stood up took his bags from the upper compartment and stepped aside so I can take mine but some idiot has pushed it to the back and as I was not so tall I couldn't reach it, the boy grabbed the bag from behind and gave it to me.
"Thank you" I bowed and turned around and started walking towards the exit of the plane.

I collected my luggage and came out of the airport
"Hmm cheers to the beginning of a special and cheerful 3years of my life"

Hope you guys enjoy it 💜

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