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A/n- welcome and if your not new to me welcome back, thank you so much for checking out my book if you want more like it just check out my account. Thanks 👍

Y/NS pov

I walked down the halls of the palace trying to find my brother when I bumped into lady Sif "y/n, you going somewhere" she asked and I smiled.

"I'm trying to find my brother, my father had decided to have a family meal tonight but I can't find him anywhere and if I have to wear these heals for much longer I'm doing to die" I said and Sif laughed.

"I don't think there that bad my lady" she said and I glared at her.

"Y/n" someone said and I turned around to see Thor stood there I sighed to see my brother stood there.

"Finally brother I though you had ran off" I said walking over to him out when I was about to touch him my hand went straight through and I smiled. "Nice try" I whispered.

"I will leave you to your heals" Sif said walking away and Thor gave me a strange look. I rubbed the back of my neck and smiled.

"Don't ask, let's go" I said walking down the halls. It was an awkward silence between us all. "So any plans for the holidays" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"Probably practice some more magic" Loki said and I rolled my eyes and looked at Thor.

"I'm not sure yet, I was hoping to relax and get away from royal stuff" Thor said and I laughed punching his shoulder.

"Like that's ever going to happen, we are the royals of Asgard we will never get a break" I said and he smiled.

"Your probably right but it's a nice dream" he said and I giggled. We walked into the dining hall to see a large table filled with food.

"Oh this looks goo" I laughed sitting down at the table. My mother smiled while my father didn't even look at me. I sighed sitting down next to my mother.

"Don't worry y/n he will see your not like Loki" she said then looked Loki who wasn't actually there. She sighed and I shook my head.

"Thank you for coming I didn't expect you to show up y/n and Loki stop the tricks" Odin said and Loki disappeared.

"Of course I would show up your my family" I said and he said nothing and started eating.

"Don't worry y/n you are our family" Thor said and I smiled. I looked down at my plate and started eating my food.

Time skip

I was in bed reading a book when Loki appeared in my room. I jumped out of bed shocked "jeez Loki warn me next time" I said and he sighed walking over to me.

"Y/n this is important I have a deal with a very important man he said if I send his armies to Midgard and take over I will be one king. Y/n we can rule" he said and I walked away from him.

"Loki I don't want to rule I'm happy being the princess and helping Thor be a good king" I asked and he sighed.

"Y/n it's either me or Thor who are you going to choose" he asked and my jaw dropped how could he do something like that to me.

"Loki you can't do that I can't choose between you both I love you both as brothers" I said and he scoffed pinning me against a wall.

"Y/n I'm your brother by blood how can you not choose me" he said and I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

"Loki we was raised with Thor he may not be my brother by blood but he's my brother at heard just like you" I said and he punched the wall then disappeared.

I looked around to see that he was gone then collapsed on my bed. "I can't believe he would do something like this" I whispered.

Loki's pov

I sighed pacing around my room."How could she say that I'm her brother her real family and yet she still chooses him over me" I growled then I sighed sitting on my bed.

The way she looked up at me with tears in her eyes I can't believe I did that she's such a strong and beautiful person and I made her choose. "Loki" someone said then a hologram of thanos appeared.

"What" i asked sitting up straight. I looked around the surroundings it looks like he is sat in some kind of thrown.

"Everything's ready you can go to earth you the Portal should be ready to use in about 30 minutes don't fail me Loki" Thanos said.

The call ended, I smiled standing up and grabbing my staff. "Let the fun begin" I laughed waiting for the portal to be ready.

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