Nightmare chapter 6 (edited)

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izuku is 4 year old in this chapter

IZUKU POV all I can remember is fighting a creature after I defeated it I blacked out as I was hearing someone yell out my name but the voice sounded so faintly and I finally closed my eyes and re opened them there was nothing but darkness all around me except for the kid version of me? I guess I was sitting somewhere in a room what was on my neck it looked like a dog collar his arms were covered in bruises so was his face a little his ears were hanging low what happened? I hear a door open and out comes a man in a black suit and white hair I couldn't make out his face

IZUKU POV all I can remember is fighting a creature after I defeated it I blacked out as I was hearing someone yell out my name but the voice sounded so faintly and I finally closed my eyes and re opened them there was nothing but darkness all aro...

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Imagine him without his mask 

I looked at the kid version of me and he was shaking and trembling? "are you ready to be good and listen to us" the man said to kid me and I looked at him "y-yes m-master I-I'll l-listen p-pls j-just d-don't h-hit m-me a-again" "do you make the rules around here" the man said pulling out a remote and pressing it kid me screamed out in pain and agony the man stopped pressing the button "now get back in your cage before I drag you there"

Ice fox Izuku (bakudeku fem bakugo) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now