Spiked Orange Juice

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Elaine: I just made some orange juice does anyone want any

Cinnamon Roll : I'll have some

John: I wouldn't do that

Isen: why not

Blyke: Rrrrrrrrrrrrrremeeemeemmmmiiiiiiiiiii

John: looks like blyke had some, probably to much

Remi: ?

Isen: what did you do

Elaine: ^

John: I may or may not have spiked it

Elaine: ....

Sera: what did you spike it with

John: ✨Tequila✨

Sera: Nice

Asslo: Don't encourage him

John: Thx bby  💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

Sera: ur welcome 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

John: :)

Sera: ;)

Blyke: Reeeeemmmrememmemrmekiem8iiiiiiiiiiiii

Remi: me?

Blyke: mmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Remi: what's up?

Blyke: I luv u 💗💗💗💗💗💗

Remi: 0///////0

Isen: took u long enough

Remi has gone offline

Asslo: John how did you even get alcohol

John: Special John privileges

Asslo: I find that answer vague and unconvincing

John: fine

John: it was

John: ✨Magic✨


John: :3

Blyke: Hrhetjfanahrvstkejteeylwjrnfahecahsjtwadbjfshdaykerahyekrahtkwfhajwt kabdfwjfjwfjwwjtremiwjfkhrjgefwjfnwgwbgrnffwykewfhkheengdngsfbgenhwfsnggskahdkegabfgnesbfegnfwnwgjnfwfjwfwjjtwwtjsfwjtjwtwtjwjtjtwtjkwtwtjtwjjtegnsgnhqrjyengwfjweykgsntkwgknfwhqfiytwjfwjjfwykewrjyoejtwhqdbnsgnacjwfafhyoyrjwianfnhnrjaiqjtjfuaithgjekwidjtnekwirignsnalwlrjfncnyiqoqkdjgjwjsjfnen

Isen: Ew ugly keyboard smash

Isen: I'm gonna go make sure he's not dead

John: No leave him to his fate

Blyke: John why u so men alll the tim

John: that's just how I be

Asslo: Elaine

Elaine: yes?

Asslo: give me some of that orange juice

Elaine: Arlo no

John: Asslo yes

Elaine: Um the orange juice is gone

John: .....

Asslo: No my only escape

Sera: John if you come to my dorm, I don't have the orange juice

Elaine: Seraphina we share the same dorm

Sera: so?

Elaine: I know you have the Oj

Asslo: she has a point

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