2-10: Through Pursuit

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The deadline could wait no longer, the machine required destruction now more than ever. The metal menace's unpredictable nature forced their hands into conflict. Diligently planning their next moves, Cinder couldn't be bothered to hunt down the robot, leaving the task for her somewhat loyal underlings.

Approaching the hours until the final round, the major workings of the plan would be set in motion, and with it, the beginning of the end. The two must return quickly from the mission in one piece before the finals started.

Emerald and Mercury scouted the day previous, carefully mapping out potential hiding spots for this machine. Most locations revolved around downtown Vale, an area filled to the brim with low-lives and amateur thieves attempting to imitate the success of Roman Torchwick.

Cinder ordered criminal sectors to remain pin-drop silent once the infamous criminal was captured by the Atlesians. This absence of activity made life easier for the two, being able to search every street and alley with freedom.

Mercury and Emerald rose early for their mission since the task at hand was a timely matter. The mint-haired girl grew frustrated with each passing area that was clear, eagerly desiring V1's elimination for Cinder's approval.

Her associate couldn't care about this idiotic assignment, with his focus centered on the events taking place later tonight. Mercury knew that his capabilities easily outmatched the dumb blond's single-minded fighting style.

Nearing the remnants of Torchwick's abandoned warehouse, the duo opted to peer inside for any signs of moving metal.

"Do you want to check this one out?" Emerald asked.


"Perfect, we're going in."

Mercury strolled about whilst whistling away, hands behind his head, contrasting Emerald's serious outlook on the mission.

"Y'know, why are you so desperate to get Cinder's attention?" Mercury aggravatingly asked.

"That's for me to know and you to not," she fired back.

"I owe Cinder everything! " Mercury mocked with a falsetto in his voice.

"Shut up."

"Oh, I'm sorry, didn't mean to hurt your precious little feelings for her."

Emerald responded with a shot to his groin, instantly dropping Mercury and momentarily silencing the remarks.

When Mercury recovered, they walked to where the old planning board was. The pair found V1 sitting on an old office chair, legs resting atop a table, playing games on its scroll. Realizing their presence, the machine placed its feet on the floor and spun in the chair to face them. The robot greeted the two by waving its hand, confusing Emerald and Mercury.

They looked at each other, with Mercury giving an unknowing shrug. His body language prompted the two to fire upon the machine, wanting to wrap the task quickly. Despite V1 seated in the office chair, it managed to dodge Thief's Respite as well as Talaria's rounds through moving the chair. When the silver-haired punk fired its last projectile, V1 parried it back to the sender.

He barely stepped out of the way from the unexpected maneuver, never once facing something similar. The manner V1 danced around the gunfire was oddly stylistic, manipulating the chair to evade the attacks. Finished staring, Mercury rushed in with his signature scissor kick.

The machine backed out of the attack, only to disengage entirely through leaping out a nearby window. The devotees quickly pursued, bewildered by the robot's actions, yet carried on the mission. V1 zipped in and out of the sunrise streets, casting a shadow against the pavement. Emerald and Mercury moved to intercept their target.

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