Chapter: 1 Senior Scribe

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Chandra's POV

Freshman year
"Hey Lyds" I said to my best friend "Hey Chandra". She's the only person who calls me by my full name.

"What are you doing after school today I was thinking we could go to the mall and maybe head to the movies afterwards I would ask Jackson but he said he was going to be staying home to study."

I ask obliviously. "Oh sorry I'm also going to study tonight." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. " But you already have a 5.0 GPA, Lyds." I say confused. She stays quiet for a couple of seconds as if she's trying to come up with a valid excuse.

"I also have to pet sit for my neighbors."

I'm still convinced that she's lying to me it's felt like that a lot actually like her and Jackson keep on avoiding me for some unknown reason. "Oh okay then I'll see you tomorrow then."I say as the bell rings signalling the end of 'interactions' class and the end of the school day.

3 hours later
I finished shopping about 30 minutes ago ,good thing was I wasn't alone Dany helped me pick out a few cute outfits ,anyways I decided even though my boyfriend Jackson said he was going to be busy studying , I would go ahead and stop by his house to surprise him he had given me a key a month after we started dating wich was in the 8th grade.

Once I pulled into his driveway I got out of the car and was instantly confused when I saw Lydia's purple Mercedes .'Maybe she's helping him study' I thought trying to ignore the pit I felt in my stomach .

When I got inside I heard moaning coming from upstairs .I cautiously Walk upstairs twords Jackson room and screamed when I saw him in bed with my best friend ,I started to cry and Jackson quickly covered him self and tried to come near me

"Cj ,you have to believe this is not what it looks like. I promise"

I stepped back sniffling and glanced towards my so called 'best friend' and she looked back at me and smirked. I turned twords Jackson

"So you trying to tell me you're not fucking my best friend?"

He look at me with fake sympathy and said "it was an accident." I slapped him as hard as I could with the back of my hand and threw the key that he gave me at his face and turned away dreading going back to school on Monday .

Monday morning
I woke up did my normal daily routine and changed into a loose black leather skirt and a red corset crop top and some high heeled burgundy boots . Once I was ready I drove to school and parked near this vintage baby blue jeep I got out of my car and entered the main entrance of the school and instantly everyone's eyes were on me and not in a good way on my way to my locker I was confronted by Jackson who had his arm wrapped around Lydia's waist ,I rolled my eyes at them. Everyone was looking at us and then Jackson spoke "Sorry Cj ,where over I'm with Lydia now" it honestly did kind of hurt especially when he was the first and only person I've been in love with but I hid my emotions in and just nodded , and then I saw it the key that Jackson gave me was now strung on a necklace that Lydia was now wearing . My eyes started to water so a ran to my car and didn't go back to school for at least a week ...

It was raining really hard tonight and I was most likely driving over the speed limit but I was just trying to make it to the high school on time even though I was already late ,not like anyone was waiting for me.

Once I pulled into the school parking lot I parked right by that baby blue jeep that belonged to a guy named stiles I met him sophomore year we were becoming pretty good friends then he started hanging out with Lydia soo I think we know how that went .I exited my newish 2013 black Mustang GT and started walking towards the library.

As I was on my way there I heard animalistic growling coming from the over pass and like every blonde haired girl in the movie's I decided to go see what was going on.

'which I now wish I didn't' I thought to my self as I bumped into the one and only Lydia Martin. "Chandra Marshall Jennings what are you doing here!" She said.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? And what the hell is going on?" I asked as I saw a 7 foot beast digging what looked to be talons into Scott McCall but it doesn't look like Scott,his eyes were a glowing scarlet red ,his face is contorted like an animal and he has exes hair on his cheeks along with claws on his finger tips.

"Oh my god ,what is he doing to him! Help him." I stated. Lydia gives me one more glance and rushes towards stiles and the rest of her new friends.

Just as she does that ,a man with glowing yellow eyes jumps down from the over pass and pulls the beast away from Scott, and starts clawing at him though he's not as strong the beast throws him to the wall as if he weighs no more than a towel the fight goes on and Scott suddenly breaks the beasts arm and speaks.

"I don't know who you are ,or what you thought you were going to do tonight ,but I'll give you 2 choices 1 you can stay and I'll break something else, or 2 you can run." Stiles speaks up from his spot beside Lydia and says "I'd run." The beast looks at Scott hesitantly ,but eventually runs off into the night.

They all gather around each other and hug, all thankful to be alright while me and the other guy from the over pass are standing apart from the ,I finally take the time to get a good view of his face, he's about 5'11 with caramel short brown hair ,and he wears a smug and proud expression on her s face, as I look utterly confused and terrified about the whole situation.

I look at him a can't help but think he looks oddly familiar to one of my best friends from elementary school, then all of the sudden it hits me 'Theo'.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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