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Snow White and Scarlett Rose

For Life - A Imagine story crossover between Merlin and Teen Wolf. - Completed

Thunderbirds are Go! - My version of the 2004 film, not the animated series  - Completed

Family, Love, Taking (Takers Film) -Completed

Wolfblood - Not a Maddy and Rhydian story, comment because of your dislike for that when you've been warned, it will be deleted - Completed

MI High - New Girl -Completed

Meet the Carters - Eastenders fan fiction with no sequel. Decided not to do one at this late of stage, it's been years and a lot had happened. - Completed

Changing Destiny - (Mordred love story) Merlin the BBC series, mainly around season five but bridges the gap between other series. - Completed

We are four and seven - A , I am number four  film fan fiction, no chance of a sequel  - Completed

Running from a lie - Original story - Completed

James and Caffrey - White Collar Imagine story - Complete

The bodyguard. - From BBC TV programme  - Complete

Fixing Heaven - Original Werewolf fiction - Completed

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