missing and texting......

16 0 3

Ash petigrew was 10
His little  brother peter 5 
And sister cat one
He was a good kid never yelled or fought and hated violence no one could ever hate or be mad at the angel  but his father?...diferent story  this is a short explaination so his father angered the deatheaters so like how rems dad pissed of greyback the deatheaters targeted his family....on a nice bright happy summer evening in the petigrew house father was at work mother feeding cat and peter hiding from ash in a game of hide and seek peters favorite game i mean who dont like hide and seek? Anyway around 4:30? There was a smash upstairs that startled everyone thier mother handed cat to peter and he hid them both in a cupbord as thier mother ran upstairs to find a smashed window in the attic and ash nowhere to be seen..

no reply from the boy after 10 minutes of searching for the intruders  and ash thier mother broke down crying hearing his mother in such distress peter climbed down from the cupbord*
"Mum?mummy wheres ashy? Why are you crying? Did daddy run away again?"-peter gave her a big hug and ran to get cat from the cupbord
"cat hug mummy better while i find ashy"
peter ran away to find him but his mother yelled out to him
"Peter baby come back here...ash is gone"she said cradling the unsuspecting catrina
"Huh? Mummy did daddy take him?"
I dont know baby....dady should come home soon though i dont think hes leaving again...come take cat and put her down for me?"
"Of course mummy"-he took cat and ran of to put her to bed as his mum got up and called thier father he declined the call and texting hes just around the corner he started to say something else but he never finished...there was a loud noise the  kind of noise that scares all the kids and makes them cry instantly the kind of noise that makes karen go quiet momentarily the kind of noise that ruins lives......
(dont text and drive kids)

Thier mother just knew....she rushed out of the house screaming for peter to stay there.
screaming in pain when she saw the car crash she ran over and ripped her husband from the seat.....dead... she held him sobbing when the ambulance and police came thay couldn't pry him from her hands when he heard the police peter grabbed a screaming cat and ran out the door a officer noticed him and ran over to make sure he was okay and distract him from the crash blood and screaming woman he was kind he simply brought pwter back into the house and did nice things. (i dunno what to say here)

The next few years were full of pain hatred and abuse for the children thier mother would get abusive drunk drug dealers  for boyfriends  or disappear for days and peter raised cat on his own....his mother had become depressed and adicted to drugs alcohol and pain she blamed herself for everything...when peter was invited to hogwarts he took cat with him explaining to mcgonigal everything that was happening so she decided to send cat home with a close friend of hers and as soon as cat turned 11 she could return to Peter and thay would both allways stay in hogwarts but in Peters second year and her first when ash re-apeared and came to find them he was different...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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