Flower Boy

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- Ellie! - I heard him shout my name, I always liked when he called me that - wait! I have something for you. 

- What is it flower boy? - he always loved flowers, white roses were his favorite. 

- I bought you a flower, a white rose - Taehyung would always give me one, they were very hard to get these days but somehow he always had one for me, It was cute.

We knew each other since birth, but we started to get closer when we turned six. Taehyung was usually outside looking for flowers, his brown hair and beautiful brown eyes were shining in the sunlight. I was mesmerized by his beauty.
For my eighteen birthday Taehyung bought me a whole bouquet of white roses with a card that said:

'Happy Birthday Love, I know this isn't much but I love you. Words aren't enough, they never are and never will. Meet me at our spot at eight pm.

- your Flower Boy'

Our spot was a little tree house next to his parents house, it was a five minute walk from my house. The tree house was old and not really a house, it was more of a platform, we always watched stars there, they were beautiful. When we were kids we always would ran away there and hide from our parents, they would always let us do what we want.

April 28th 1936, 7:30 am. Dear Diary-

He told me I look mesmerizing yesterday, I never blushed so much in my life. We had a picnic next to the lake, It was a beautiful day. When we finished eating we talked about our plans for the future and it turns out both of us don't know what to do. I always wanted to be an actress but that won't work, I need to be here and take care of my parents if the need me. He wanted to have a flower shop but his mom said it wouldn't give him enough money to live, she wasn't necessarily wrong but I told him that if it makes him happy he can do whatever he wants with his life. At the end of the day all we wanted was freedom, freedom to chose what we want not what our parents want us to be. I love and respect my parents, they are really the best but I don't agree with their opinions about certain things, we are really different. They still don't know me and Taehyung are dating, they don't even suspect that. I'm not sure about flower boys parents tho, Mr. and Mrs. Kim are very nice and I always liked them, but they really seem to know everything about Tae. Which worries me because he has no freedom. nothing will tear us apart. Nothing. Even death.


- The stars are beautiful aren't they? - I said while looking at the night sky.

- They obviously are, but there is one thing, actually a person that is the most beautiful being I saw in my life, and it's you - he was always like that, very poetic.

When we were kids he would always write me little poems and letters, I guess it's his thing.

- Taehyung please - we both started to laugh, his little boxy smile started to appear, when he smiles his eyes close a little bit and his cheeks get more puffy. I like to watch him smile, he's ethereal.

- You know love, sooner or later we have to tell our parents about us - he changed the topic quickly 

- I know - I said - but until then let's enjoy our little secret and enjoy our freedom. - I said and kissed his forehead - Can you believe we've been together for almost two years? - I asked - Time flies so fast, I still remember when we were little kids running in my backyard playing different kinds of games. We were so carefree and so innocent.

- Ah it does fly fast. Remember that one time I started crying because there was snow and I couldn't run around a pick up flowers from the ground?  what a time - he said with a smirk on his face

- I do remember that darling, it was one of the funniest things you ever did - I said as we started to laugh

Few minutes later...

- Why did you bring a guitar today? - I asked of out curiosity.

- You see Ellen, I finally learned how to play it! - he said with the spark in his eyes - and by the way, do you remember that one song I told you about years ago? That I wrote it for someone special? - he asked looking me in the eyes

- Of course I do! How could I ever forget that, you never let me read the lyrics and I remember being upset about this - I smiled - anyway why do you ask? - I said

- Well, I didn't let you read the lyrics because the song was for you and the song is called Ellen so you would notice it's for you, you are not stupid Ellie - he's right, I'm not stupid but sometimes I wish I could think faster.

- Well, do you want to hear it? - he asked

- Do I want to hear it!? Of course I want go hear it, I'm sure it's as beautiful as the writer of the song - I said while smiling

- No, it's as beautiful as the person the song is about - he said and started to play

The song was too beautiful, I really didn't know he's such an amazing lyricist. He really surprised me with that one, It was just so well put and his voice, his voice is really angelic. I can't even put this into the right words.

The rest of the night we spent in my house, my parents were out of town so no one was home.
That night we shared a lot about ourselves. But there was one thing that he said that I was shocked about the most.He told me that he wants to go the military for two years. I think we never cried this much in our lives.

Taehyung always wanted freedom, even one time he got into a fight with his father because he said he will never go to the military, I wonder what or who made him change his mind. He said he wants to leave in a month. Right after he said that tears started to run down my cheeks and as soon as he saw that he started to cry too.

- I'm going to wait flower boy - I said with a little smile

- and I'm going to come back - he said as we cried even harder - I love you Ellie - flower boy whispered 

- I love you too flower boy - I said as I laid in his arms

We laid down in silence, the only thing you could hear was us crying and our tears falling on the bed sheets. I felt so safe in his arms, I knew I will never feel something like that ever again with a different person, he was my twin flame, I can't exist without him and he can't exist without me. We were meant to be.

flower boy || kim taehyungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora