Chapter 1

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A flash of light and loud bang occurs. Suddenly, Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, Jarvis, Anna Jarvis, Angie Martinelli, Daniel Sousa, Jack Thompson, Chief Dooyle and the rest of the SSR appear together in a white room with no door.

"What the hell just happened?" asked Sousa. Everyone is looking around, stunned trying to understand where they were. Peggy's hand instinctively reached for her pistol, cleverly concealed under her skirt only to find her holster empty.

"Who do you work for," she said to the walls. Maybe this was some evil plot from a left-over hydra group. Alas, she got no reply. At least not a verbal one.

"Peg, look here," said Daniel, nodding to what seemed to be a note and a stack of films. "That wasn't there a minute ago."

"No, it wasn't," Peggy responded as she walked and picked up the note. "To those gathered, I am sure you are all wondering why we have brought you from going about your day to a room with no means of exit -"

"You can say that again," Howard interrupted but was quickly silenced by the glare from Peggy.

"To be honest there is no clear reasoning for this," she continues to read "maybe we want to ease some of the pain that is to come and could be prevented, or maybe we are doing this for our own enjoyment. What we do know is that you have to finish these films in order to return to your lives. The films will be a mix but first they will cover your past before moving into what is to come. Happy watching. PS- we may be sending more people to join you."

"Then lets start," said Thompson in the bored tone he could muster.

"I beg your pardon," replied Peggy.

"Lets start," he said slowly, as if talking to a toddler.

"Come on English, where's your adventurous spirit, huh? Besides the quicker we watch the quicker we get out of here." Angie asked. "But, I don't actually know many of you – obviously I know Peg and oh my gosh, your Howard Stark – a pleasure, but who are the rest of you?"

"yes I do suppose introductions are in order, I'm Agent Daniel Sousa."

"Agent Thompson of the SSR New York"

"Edwin Jarvis and this is my wife –"

"Ana Jarvis" Ana cut him off, "lovely to meet you" she said with a smile.

"Obviously you all know, I am Howard Stark and this is the beautiful Maria," he gestured to the lady standing beside him.

"And I am Angie Martinelli, do you know these people English?"

"Yes Angie, before we start I think I need to come clean about my true job." To Angie's confused look Peggy continued, "I don't really man the telephone. I am an Agent for the SSR or the Strategic Scientific Reserve. I worked with them during the war where I met Howard and have ever since. Look Ang, I'm so sorry, I cannot tell you how many times I wanted to tell you but I could never risk your life like that."

"Hey, its alright Peg, I get it, top secret business and all that. Besides, I cant say I'm all that shocked, your office hours where always too strange. " Angie reassured her, "So should we get started?"

"Lets" said Sousa as he went to put the first film in.

Suddenly a voice boomed through the room. "Sorry, we changed our mind, we don't want you to start with any of the films provided. We will show a nice little selection we put together of clips to introduce some guests before we send them in to watch the other films with you."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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