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The morning started like any other day in the Thomas household. Grandpa was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, which consisted of biscuits, sausage gravy, sausage patties, and bacon. Grandma was watching tv, and the grandkids were all taking care of feeding the animals.

It was just as everyone was sitting down to eat when the day became different. For you see, the neighbor across from the grandparent's house had a pasture full of cattle, and the largest bull somehow had gotten out of its pasture.

With the neighbor being an older gentleman, all of the older male grandchildren rushed off to help while the females sat safely on the porch to watch.

This bull has gotten out a lot, so by this point, they all know how to go about getting it herded back. They are still not experts at it, so it is always fun to watch.

Cody, Steve, Leon, Rick, Keven, and Robbert all started working as a team to carefully push the bull out of the road and back towards the gate to a small corral. The neighbor always has them put it there so there is no risk of any of the other cattle getting out.

A couple of times, the bull changes course, heading towards a different direction, but they manage to make enough noise to send it back towards where they want it. They finally get it into the corral and stand by it talking with the neighbor.

The neighbor of course thanks them for helping. As they are standing there, Steve, ever the reckless one, decides he should sit on the top of the fence of the coral.

The others, including the neighbor, warn him to not sit there, but he just shrugs it off. They continue to talk until suddenly they all hear a loud shriek and a thud.

The girls rush over to see what is going on to find all of the boys laughing with Steve laying on the ground. When the girls question what happened, they quickly start laughing as well at the answer.

For you see, while the boys were all talking, the bull noticed Steve and decided it wanted revenge for being caged. When Steve heard it moving around and turned to look at it, he panicked when he saw what it was about to do.

The bull had charged towards where Steve was sitting. It never did hit the fence as it stopped and walked away before hitting it and after startling Steve. Steve on the other hand had tried to quickly get away and tripped over his own two feet, falling off the fence. The shriek, which honestly sounded like it should have come from a girl, was let out by him when he tripped.

They all decided that it was time to go back to the house and have breakfast. Grandpa said it was about time they came home and that breakfast was getting cold.

Grandpa questioned why they were picking on Steve. They told him how Steve sat on the fence even though he was told it wasn't advisable to do that. They then told him about the bull charging toward Steve and him falling off the fence because he tripped over his own two feet. Grandpa got a good laugh from that. Grandpa said now you should have learned better than to do that.

For the rest of that day, everyone, and I mean everyone, ragged on Steve for his clumsiness and girly shriek. They all dogged him for not listening when they told him not to sit on the fence. To this day, Steve will not sit on the corral's fence even when the bull is not in it.

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