Chapter 1- unexpected

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My alarm rings in my ear repeatedly. I let out a loud groan and slammed my hand on the annoying thing. I grabbed my pillow and slammed my face into it letting out a loud scream.

Today was the worst day of my life! It was Monday morning which means school, sadly. Slowly but surely I got out of my comfortable bed and jumped in the shower I then started working on myself which wasn't a lot.

I just brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. I put on a plain white shirt that I tucked into my high waisted jeans which had cuffs on the bottom and added a pastel pink jacket with all white converse. "You can do this" I repeat in the mirror. It honestly didn't help. Every Monday morning I have to encourage myself to leave my room which is hard.

I open my door and make my way downstairs. I'm immediately hit with the smell of pancakes, coffee and bacon, probably the best smells ever.

As I walk in I inhale the heavenly smells and take a seat in front of my dad "good morning pumpkin" my father says with a smile on his face using the nickname I hated "good morning papa bear" I reply using the nickname he hates we both have a stare down neither me or dad wanting to give in.

Our stare down was interrupted by none other than my beautiful mother "don't start this again" my mom says with a sigh while putting our plates down "sorry" me and dad muttered at the same time.

"Mom I don't feel good, do you think I could maybe stay home?" I add on a fake cough to make it a little more realistic "your not gonna trick me like you did your poor father now hurry and eat" my mom said while taking another bite of her pancake I let out a huff and took a bite of my pancake "how was I supposed to know she wasn't sick she threw up and everything" dad tried to defend himself "sweetheart that was oatmeal" my mom sighed and shook her head my dad huffed in reply.

I tried my best to eat as slow as possible but it didn't help. It probably made it worse since I was torturing myself.


"Mom please don't make me go" I whine we had been sitting in this car in front of my school for a good 10 minutes "everleigh get out of the car right now or your walking home" my mom threatened my eyes immediately widen she knew how much I hated walking even if it was only a 5 minute walk.

I sped out of the car and said my goodbyes and walked into school I was in the middle of unlocking my locker when I hear a familiar sequel I turn my head and she my best friend Layla smiling widely she had light brown hair green eyes and freckles sprinkled everywhere on her face she was gorgeous.

"I missed you so much" she shouts while pulling me in a tight hug
"we hung out yesterday" I reminded her
"but that was yesterday it's been a whole day" she says dramatically I roll my eyes as a response
"your sitting with me at lunch right?" She asked as she pulls from the hug
"We always sit together"I remind her once again she gave me a 'you know that's a lie' look
"it wasn't my fault" I defend myself with my hands up in surrender
"do you know how embarrassing that was I was alone at lunch I had no one to talk to" she shouts while shaking me repeatedly "I had a flu" I said slowly while removing her hands from my shoulder

"and?" she asked just as slowly we looked at each other for a while until I broke it "I can't right now I have class" I commented while getting my books. Layla just rolled her eyes with a smile plastered on her face and blew a kiss while walking away. I just rolled my eyes and made my way to art class.

I walked in and said hi to Mr. Huckleberry and sat in my seat at the back of the class next to the window and said hi to the boy next to me who's name is Jack. We aren't friends outside of art class.

"Good morning students I have very important news today" Mr. huckleberry started "we will be doing a special project for this month" Mr.huckleberry continued a large smile graced my face I love projects especially in art it allows me to be creative "You will be working on a project with a partner the winner will be given a full ride to university of the arts in London" Mr.huckleberry said with a smile as big a mine at this point I'm going to jump out of this chair and do a dance this is to good to be true

"but..." Mr.huckleberry added I freaking knew it my smile immediately dropped "you will be working with the students that aren't doing very well with art and no you can't do all the work we will know if you do" Mr. huckleberry stated the class was filled with groans surprisingly I wasn't one of them I'm quite confident that I can work with anyone

"Everleigh you will be working with... Alec Anderson" Mr.huckleberry said while looking at a paper. I'm doomed, my mouth gaped open like a fish but I quickly shut it and shot Alec a tight smile.

If you don't know who Alec is, he's the quarterback of our football team. He's charming and is dating the head of the cheerleading team Ava who was gorgeous. She had brown hair and blue eyes. No wonder they're both dating. I've seen some of Alec's drawings and let's just say... they weren't pleasant. This is gonna be a long day.


"Your partner is who!" Layla shouts in my face "Alec" I whisper while shaking my head "that's unbelievable" Layla comments "I know right now I'm definitely going to fail" I groan "you shouldn't be worried about failing you should be worried about ava" Layla spat like she was disgusted to even say her name.

Layla and Ava used to be best friends until in 8th grade when Ava completely ditched her for cheerleaders. "I'm pretty sure I can handle her" I say with a smile "she's ruthless especially with her minions around" Layla and I both shiver at the thought "yea you're right I just have to ignore her " I reply "good luck" Layla said while shaking her head.

Oh boy I'm gonna need it

At the end of the day I said goodbye to Layla and started walking to my moms car but was stopped by none other than Alec. He had a huge smile.

Oh boy

"When do you think we should start?"he asked "oh w-" before I could finish. I was interrupted by a girl voice I know as Ava "hey baby who this" she asked while clinging on to his arm "oh this is everleigh my partner for the project " he replied while pointing at me I gave her a genuine smile but was returned back with a fake one.


"Oh well hi now let's go baby" she said with a tight smile she didn't even acknowledge me and tried her best to pull him away "actually I'm going to go with everleigh to work on our project" he comments while looking at her.

Oh boy I'm in deepshit

I gave a tight smile pleading with my eyes for him to shut up "you rather go with her than me?fine!" She shouts and stomps off leaving a very distressed looking Alec looking between the walking figure and me.

"Everleigh hurry up"my mom shouts from the car "uh you don't have to come" I say awkwardly while looking up at him "uh no I'll come" he says while rubbing his neck if I'm being honest I was shocked he never refused to go with ava he was like puppy following her around love sick I just nodded as a response and led him to my moms car.

The flick of my brushحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن